Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

HRM Queen Pelosi, Spends $2,993 on Flowers with Taxpayer’s Money

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Pelosi Queen

Nice going Democrat-Socialist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, completely out of touch with the economic concerns of the Taxpayers, spending close to $3,000 for flowers between June and October.

Nancy Pelosi, D-CA also spent over $30,000 on food and beverages and over $2,700 on bottled water, just not every day ordinary “Commoner” water will suit Her Royal Majestic fanciful taste.

More here from Politico

Missouri Congressman Cleaver: Co-Sponsor Complaint Free Wednesday

Thursday, November 19th, 2009


Democrat-Socialist Member’s of Congress in Cuba,  at podium Mel Watt-NC,  from left to right: Laura Richardson-CA, Emanuel Cleaver-MO, Bobby Rush-IL, Barbara Lee-CA and Marcia Fudge-OH after meeting with Raul Castro on normalizing relations between the U.S. and Cuba

Liberal Lefties spare no time “complaining” when it suits their political agenda.

Missouri Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, Co-Sponsor’s H. Con. Res. 153
Day before Thanksgiving–Complaint Free Wednesday

Could it be that some Members of Congress have just a little too much time on their hands?

VA Gov-elect McDonnell Overcame WaPo Smear Campaign and Anti-Asian Bias

Friday, November 13th, 2009

Asian Supporters of Gov. Elect Bob McDonnell

Bob McDonnell & ChineseSchool
Asian-Americans celebrating election of Virginia Republican Governor-Elect Bob McDonnell

Despite the Washington Post smear campaign to derail Virgina Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bob McDonnell, voters sent the loony liberal leftists packing on election night, winning in a landslide by 18% sweeping the state’s top three offices, ending nearly a decade of Democrat control.

Drive-by media just don’t like crediting Asians—WaPo Reporter Sandhya Somashekhar who is particularly cavalier writes in her 08 November article, Republicans Still Hard Pressed For Minority Support “Despite his efforts to reach out to Black, Hispanic, Asian and other minority groups…McDonnell’s decisive victory Tuesday was largely the result of his overwhelming support of White Voters…”


A survey of 16,293 registered Asian-American voters in twelve legislative districts in Northern Virgina, where the Asian population is as high as 21% of general population, showed an average of 58.5% voted for Republican Bob McDonnell…furthermore Asian American voter turnout was highest among Chinese and Vietnamese Americans…in Election 2008 Asian-Americans voter turnout in Virginia, was at an historic high of 61% according to the Richmond Times Dispatch

More here Election 2009 Via League of New Voters

Political Correctness Trumps Hasan Army Evaluation Report

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

Politically Correct

The worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 occurred during Obama’s watch when Islamic Jihadist
Terrorist Thug Nidal Malik Hasan, murdered 13 innocent Americans at Ft. Hood, Texas

Political Correctness Trumped  Al Qaeda sympathizer Major Hasan Army Evaluation Report which gave the Psychiatrist a poor performance evaluation while stationed at Walter Reed Military Hospital.

Some politically correct loony liberal leftists have argued that Major Hasan suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder but how can this be Hasan has never served overseas?

How long will it be before the goofy liberal left along with other Islamic apologists,  attempt to excuse Jihadist
Hasan’s murderous rampage as pre-traumatic stress disorder?

Related Posts: PC Obama: Don’t Jump to Conclusions on Ft. Hood Shooting Via FOX News

Free Speech Rights Prevented Probe Into Hasan E-Mails Investigators Say

U.S. Army Personnel Evaluation—Evaluation Reporting System

NPR Attempting to establish Insanity Defense for Islamic Jihadist Terrorist Thug Hasan

“The One” Is the Most Powerful Writer Since Julius Caesar?

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009


Roco Landesman addresses National Endowment for the Arts “…Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar.”


H/T: National Review Online

Goofy—UK Climate Change Chief: Give Up Meat to Save Planet

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009


Another Goofy Liberal Loony Leftist—Give up meat to save the planet or we’ll all die.

Climate Change Chief Lord Stern: Give up Meat to Save the Planet Via UK Times Online


In April 2008 I wrote here that real Scientist’s report, “…there is no observational evidence in measured data going back 22,000 or even a million years that CO2 levels have driven or driving world temperatures or climate change.”

Related: Remember when Loony Al Gore said, “Destruction of Mayan Civilization caused by Global Warming.”

Danish Scientist says Global Warming is a Myth Via Right Pundits

Democrat-Socialists New Word for Public Option—Competitive Option

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Congress Health Insurance

Democrat-Socialists Harry Reid, Chuckie Schumer and  Patrick Leahy new catch word for ObamaCare Socialized Medicine—Competitive Option.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi concurs that the phrase public option attracts skeptics and competitive option needs to be tested driven.

When did Congress start worrying themselves silly about competition? USPS $10 Billion+ in Debt

During Obama’s Watch,  government has nationalized Government Motors, Chrysler, AIG and Banks and now they want to nationalize health care.

Even though Pelosi continues to claim that government will hold down costs by nationalizing health care, when has the government performed any service well and were able to hold down costs?

Twenty Charged with Medicare Fraud in California and Nevada Via The Medical News

Medicare Fraud in Houston, 6 Charged for Billing Medicare for non-existent or unneeded equipment Via Mass Device

Related: More than half Americans oppose ObamaCare Via The Washington Times

Obama tells GOP: Obey, Do What Your Told

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Arrogance—Obama at a Democrat-Socialist Fundraiser in NYC says that Republicans can’t think for themselves, “…they just kinda sometimes do what they’re told.”

Video here from Breitbart

Balloon Boy Hoax, Stupid is as Stupid Does

Saturday, October 17th, 2009

USA-AIRCRAFT/Boy in Balloon

Exclusive: I helped Richard Heene Plan Balloon Hoax Via Gawker

Stupid is as Stupid Does, this story sounded dubious which is why I didn’t write any posts about the Balloon Boy earlier, my first thoughts were, publicity stunt.

Sheriff to file Criminal Charges in Balloon Boy Hoax Via USA Today

California Lefties Want Ban On Flat Screen TV’s

Friday, October 16th, 2009

Flat Screen TV

Goofy California Environmentalists wish that everyone would get rid of their appliances, cars and any energy using products so that everyone may lead happier lives?

Of course it is impossible to fully ban anything once one possesses the knowledge in which to make something, it is a little hard for lefties to grasp this concept—Barry Obama is not going to convince the world to ban nuclear weapons but he may continue to weaken American Defenses.

I digress…

Liberal Loony Leftist in California are set to ban Flat Screen televisions more than 40″ wide claiming that they are bad for the environment. Can people be far behind? If it wasn’t for people, just think how clean and pristine the planet would be then?

More here Via Right

Related: Nevada Expecting Surge in Sales of Flat Screen TV’s
Via Rick Sincere News and Thoughts