Archive for the ‘Nancy Pelosi’ Category

What are Democrats So Afraid of in Benghazi House Select Committee Investigation?

Friday, May 9th, 2014

Democrats Benghazi InvestigationDemocrats Throw Temper Tantrum Over Benghazi Select Committee
Image: Less Gov More Fun@Twitter

(Townhall) Will House Democrats participate in the Benghazi Select Committee or not? At this point, its anyones guess–This morning, Democrats are meeting behind closed doors to debate the question.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has demanded an equal split on Benghazi Select Committee–Good luck with that as Hot Air points out. Pelosi’s own track record sets the precedent. Remember the House Select Committee on Global Warming in 2007 when Democrats were in charge–Pelosi gave Democrats 9 of 15 seats on that committee.

“Thomas Lifson recently gave compelling reasons why House Democrats run grave political risks if they boycott the select committee to investigate Benghazi,” writes Bruce Walker at American Thinker. “Congressional Democrats like the establishment leftist media, have been so fawning and flaccid in dealing with Obama that what few microns of credibility they may have had with Conservatives–may soon blink out of existence.”

What is really up with the Democrats selected outrage into the House  investigation of the 9/11 Benghazi terrorist attacks, the murders U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the three other brave American heroes?

“What difference at this point does it make,” Hillary Clinton earlier asked?

Much since Clinton and Democrats have asked and if they don’t know why, it does matter.

Related: Why Democrats Are So Scared of Benghazi –Daily Beast

Gas Prices Spike to Highest Level in Southern California Since Last Summer, Where’s the Outrage from Democrats?

Saturday, April 12th, 2014

Gas Prices Rise

(CBS Los Angeles) The average price for a gallon of self-serve regular gas has spiked to their highest levels since last Summer. On Thursday, according to Santa Clarita Valley Signal regular unleaded gas prices average $4.07 to $4.29 a gallon.

Flashback: Remember when then candidate for president Senator Barack Obama said that rising gasoline prices were a crisis and the result of George W Bush’s failed energy policies, or when Rep Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)  blasted George Bush for high gas prices and when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) echoing Pelosi’s comments said that gasoline prices were “the number one issue facing America today.”

Where is the outrage from Democrats today during Obama’s Watch???

Crickets Chirping…

Obama’s Watch: American Taxpayers Spend $400,000 for Camel Statute in Pakistan

Saturday, April 5th, 2014

Camel Statute PakistanYour Tax Dollars at Work: Feds Spend $400,000 for Camel Statute in Pakistan –Image: Tammy Bruce

Flashback: Remember when Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi claimed “The cupboard is bare (referring the federal budget) there is no more cuts to make. I think its really important for people to understand that.”


H/T: Freedom Works

Democrat’s War on Women: 180,000 Fewer Job Opportunities in March

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Women SufferageWomen Suffrage Movement –Image: Vintage Periods

(CNS) The number of Women unemployed climbed 180,000 in March according to data released by the U.S. Dept of Labor today.

On Friday, I wrote here that President Obama and Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) oppose legislation that would restore the 40 hour work week which ObamaCare reduced to 30 hours, limiting job opportunities and sacrificing liberty for many Women.

Related: Obama’s Watch–Only 38.6% of Jobs Have Gone to Women

March Jobs Data Weaker Than Expected, Obama Vows Veto of House Bill to Restore 40 Hr Work Week

Friday, April 4th, 2014

ObamaCare MathObamaCare Math –Image: Brian Cole@Twitter

(RILA) In a letter sent to Congress on Wednesday, the ‘Retail Industry Leaders Assn” called on Congress to immediately pass bipartisan legislation “Save American Workers Act” (HR 2575) to restore the historic 40 hour work week that ObamaCare killed.

Flashback: Remember when then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed that ObamaCare will create 4 Million—400,000 jobs almost immediately and death of 40 hour work week means freedom to follow your passion.

President Obama vowed to veto the legislation if it ever made it to his desk.

It should be of no surprise that March payroll data that was expected to increase 200,000+ jobs according to Zero Hedge was lower than economists anticipated.

Related: Real Unemployment Rate Points in Wrong Direction -NY Times

Work Sharing & Long Term Unemployment –AEI

Nancy Pelosi Claims Republicans are Driven by an “Ideological Extreme Sect”

Friday, January 31st, 2014

Tea Party Extremists(Newsmax) Meet some of the ‘Tea Party’ Patriots that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) calls an “Ideological Extreme Sect”

Image Courtesy: Cowgirl Moon@Twitter

ObamaCare Claims Another Casualty, California Democrat George Miller Announces Retirement

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Rep George MillerRep George Miller (D-CA) Promoting ObamaCare/Covered California Disaster –Image: SF Gate

(Politico) Incumbent Liberal Democrat Congressman George Miller, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) strong advocate, has announced that he will be retiring from Congress at the end of the year.

Miller represents California’s 11th Congressional District which consists of portions of Alameda County, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Santa Clara counties.

In a short interview, Miller wanted to downplay the significance of his departure saying, “I was never in awe of the indispensable man theory,” adding “I tried that once on my high school football coach and I sat on the bench for for most of the year.”

Earlier this month, Legal Insurrection reported that Rep Mike McIntyre (D-NC) after nearly two decades in Congress announced his departure, McIntyre was considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats in this years mid-term Congressional elections.

Related: Covered California Applicants Still Hit By Snags –SF Gate

Lotta Denial Out There: Chuck Todd Gets Dose of ObamaCare Reality

Nancy Pelosi, Why Have the Taxpayers Spent Nearly $1 Million to Fund Hardcore Porn Project?

Monday, December 30th, 2013

Nancy Pelosi Cupboard is Bare

Flashback: Do you remember when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed “The cupboard is bare. There is no more cuts (in the federal budget) to make.”

The Daily Caller reported yesterday, The Natl Endowment  for the Humanities has provided nearly $1 Million of taxpayer dollars since 2010 to “The Popular Romance Project” which claims to be an academic program to “explore the fascinating and often contradictory origins and influences of popular romance as told in novels, films, comics, (sex) advice books songs and Internet fan fiction.”

The Popular Romance Project plans according to Financial Content: Govt Waste 2013 My Tax Dollars Went WHERE is to “bring new audiences into the conversation about the nature of love, romance and their expressions in novels and popular culture more broadly,” through 4 programs:

  • A documentary entitled “Love Between the Covers”;
  • An interactive website dedicated to romance and romance novels;
  • An academic symposium (I wonder what will go on there, I digress) on ‘the past and future of the romance novel’ hosted by the Library of Congress of all agencies–another really poor expenditure of taxpayers money;
  • A ‘nationwide series of library programs dealing with the past, present and future of the romance novel’ with a traveling exhibit–what like The Moving Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

What could ever go wrong with that? Good Grief!

Related: Feds Spent $180,000 on Booze Ahead of Govt Slimdown

NIH Spent $224,250 to Change How Latino Children Order Food

Natl Institutes of Health Spend $224,250 to Change How Latino Children Order Food

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Nanny State BlissNanny State Bliss –Image: Bastiat Institute@Facebook

(Washington Free Beacon)  The Natl Institutes of Health has awarded a $224,250 research grant to San Diego State University in November, to study how to introduce healthy menus (specifically targeting Latino children) in an effort to alter the “ordering behavior” of children in restaurants.

Flashback: Remember when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed about federal spending restraints, “The cupboard is bare there is no more cuts to make. I think its really important that people understand that.”


Remember When Nancy Pelosi Claimed “Cupboard is Bare” Feds Spent $180,000 on Booze Ahead of Govt Slimdown

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

Nancy Pelosi Cupboard is Bare

Remember when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed “The cupboard is bare there is no more cuts (in the federal budget) to make. I think its really important that people understand that.”

According to The Washington Times when the rest of the govt prepared to ‘slimdown’ this fall the Dept of State was stocking up on booze.

In September, the final month of the fiscal year the Dept of State spent almost $180,000 on beefing up its liquor supplies and racked up a total of more than $400,000 for the year or three times the entire liquor tab for all of 2008

On the 06 October, I wrote here the Bureau of Land Management spent $98,670.00 on an outhouse in Alaska

Cupboard doesn’t appear to be too bare Nancy…

Govt Spent $1.1 Million on Puppets

During Obama’s Watch: Between 2009 to 2013 according to Americans for Prosperity the Feds spent wasted $1,188,382 of taxpayers money on puppet related research and expenditures.