Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar –Image Courtesy: LA Weekly
(FOX News Latino) Who can forget disgraced former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner (aka Carlos Danger) his illicit sexual escapades and lewd chats with Women via Twitter, or more recently Filthy Democrat San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, now there is yet another yicky pervert, Democrat L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar now making news for his sexually harassing, pressuring and intimidating a subordinate to engage in sex with him to keep her job and advance her career.
Francine Godoy in her sexual harassment complaint filed against Huizar with the California Dept of Fair Employment and Housing alleged that she was subjected to sexual harassment (quid pro quo and hostile work environment) and retaliated against after refusing Huizar’s advances.
While Huizar initially denied Godoy’s allegation, he later conceded that her claims were in-part true but claims they were “consensual” that he “deeply regrets.”
Riiight…regrets that he’s been exposed and that his wife and family have found out.
Isn’t it ironic that Jose Huizar on his website surrounded by his wife and four children (3 girls and a boy–what has he taught them) claims that he’s ‘proven himself a staunch advocate for educational reform and public safety…helped to create thousands of new jobs,’ (how he’s done this is anyone’s guess) as to his ‘staunch’ advocacy for public safety, Francine Godoy may think a little differently about that.
What’s up with these Democrat deviant’s War on Women, preying on subordinates for sexual favors to satisfy whatever prurient desires their small minds can imagine?
Huizar an Attorney graduated from UCLA Law School, before being elected to L.A. City Council, Huizar served as President of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) between 2003-2005 and earlier worked with the Harvard Civil Rights Project as well as being appointed to the Board of Trustees at Princeton University.
What message has this degenerate not only has sent to all of the LAUSD and Princeton University students that may have (at one time) looked up to him but to his own children?
How long will it be before California Democrats Gov Jerry Brown, Congressional Rep Nancy Pelosi, Senator’s Feinstein and Boxer call for this latest Democrat pervert to resign?