(NY Daily News) The ISIS Jihadist Thugs that beheaded American Journalist James Foley this week are reportedly holding some 20 other Westerners including James Sotloff, who has likewise been threatened with decapitation by the same Islamic butcher that murdered Foley.
Sotloff, 31 year old free lance journalist, self-described as a ‘stand-up philosopher from Miami’ immersed himself in the tumult Middle East for years, repeatedly venturing into some of the most hazardous conflict zones, he reassured his friends that he knew the risks as he wrote for Time, The Christian Science Monitor and World Affairs Journal.

Steven Sotloff’s family attempted to keep his abduction quiet, fearing that publicity could further endanger him but unfortunately this strategy was ineffective when Sotloff was seen being held by the same ISIS Jihadist that murdered American Journalist James Foley, warning that Sotloff will be next to die as a consequence for military airstrikes in Iraq.
On Tuesday, the family of Steven Sotloff, established a petition on White House.gov calling on Obama, “to take immediate action to save Steven’s life by an means necessary.” To date, the White House petition as already received 90,000+ signatures.
Yesterday I wrote here that a vacationing President Obama in Martha’s Vineyard after promising a relentless search for the terrorist thugs that murdered James Foley, returned to the golf course just moments later, sparking criticism by even the liberal NY Times to write:
Obama “had just hung up the telephone with the devastated parents (of James Foley) before heading in front of the cameras. Unusually emotional, President Obama declared himself “heartbroken” and vowed to “be relentless” against Islamic radicals threatening to kill another American but as soon as the cameras went off, Mr Obama headed to his favorite golf course on Martha’s Vineyard–seemingly able to put the savagery out of his mind.”
In March, The Washington Post said that President “Obama has led a foreign and domestic policy agenda based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality.” All of this is quite evident in Obama’s ‘miscalculations’ in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Taiwan, China, Russia, Ukraine and now one can add Iraq into the list.
Now well into the second year of the second term of Obama’s presidency, one would think that Obama may have learned during his on the job training, this his goodwill attempts and charm offensive in dealing with Islamic Jihadists, that murdered four American heroes in Benghazi nearly two years ago, James Foley this week and are now threatening to behead American Steven Sotloff, is an ineffective foreign policy exercise at its very worse.
No matter how many times Obama wags his finger at Islamic Jihadist, while dithering with indecision, ISIS is committing genocide of Americans, Christians in Iraq and Syria and beheading children en masse, continued vacillation by the Obama Administration is not an option during this Holocaust in our time.