Archive for the ‘Pope Saint John Paul II’ Category

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Prince Saint Casimir of Poland – Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Saint Casimir

Saint Casimir (1458-1484)
Image:  Catholic Online@Facebook

(Franciscan Media) Saint Casimir was the third among thirteen children of King Casimir IV of Poland and of Queen Elizabeth of Austria a most virtuous woman.

Casimir was filled with exceptional values  and learning from great teacher Fr. John (Jan) Dlugosz a man of extraordinary learning and devotion, who constantly refused all offers to become Bishop and other offices of the Church and state which were pressed upon him.

As a teenager Casimir lived a highly disciplined life according to Franciscan Media spending a great part of the night in prayer and meditation, chiefly on the passion of our Savior writes EWTN by living always under the sense of the divine presence, that he remained perpetually united to and absorbed in, Casimir maintained an uninterrupted cheerfulness of temper and was mild and affable to all, dedicating himself to lifelong chastity.

When nobles in Hungary became dissatisfied with their King, they prevailed on Casimir’s father King Casimir IV of Poland to send his young son to take over the country–Casimir obeyed his father, as many young men over the centuries obeyed their government. The army that Casimir was supposed to lead was clearly outnumbered by the enemy, with some of the troops deserting as they were not being paid, at the advice of Casimir’s officers, he decided to return home.

Casimir’s father was angered at the failure of his plans and confined his young son for 3 months according to Franciscan Media from that time on, Casimir decided never to again become involved in the wars of his day and no amount of persuasion could change his mind. Casimir returned to prayer and study, maintaining his decision to remain chastity, even under pressure to marry the Emperor’s daughter.

The twelve years he lived after this, Casimir spent sanctifying himself in the same manner as he had done before, he reigned briefly as King of Poland during his father’s absence.

Following years of lung disease and observing to his last his vow of chastity despite the advice of his physicians to marry, imagining upon some false principle this may be helpful to sustain his life, Casimir died at the age of 23 in Lithuania on this date in 1484 and was buried in the Church of St. Stanislas and subsequently Canonized in 1522 by Pope Adrian VI in Rome.

On the 500 Anniversary of the death of Casimir, Pope Saint John Paul II recalled how Saint Casimir embraced a ‘life of purity and  prayer…rejecting the deceptive attractions of modern permissive society,’ living with convictions of ‘fearless confidence and joy,’ while embracing a life of celibacy and submitting ‘himself humbly to God’s will in all things.’

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Casimir, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Anastasius The Fuller & Blessed Frederic Ozanam – Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

St. Anastasios

St. Anastasius Fuller, Martyr for Christ
Image: San Sabastian College

(EWTN) Born in Italy Aquileian (modern day Venice) into a wealthy noble family according to SQPN Anastasius became a fuller or a cloth merchant in Dalmatia (modern day Croatia) there he painted a cross on the door of his shop, Anastasius was subsequently arrested for practicing Christianity and was martyred by drowning in 304

Blessed Frederic Ozanam

(Franciscan Media) Frederic was convinced of the inestimable worth of each person that he would serve the poor of Paris — During his Beatification in 1997 Pope Saint John Paul II noted Frederic Ozanam was a “Good Samaritan—loved everyone who was deprived. From his youth, he became aware that it was not enough to speak about charity and the mission of the Church in the world, rather what was needed was an effective commitment of Christians in the service of the poor…he understood that charity must lead to efforts to remedy injustice….”

Today Christians Honor Blessed Angela Salawa, “Devoting her Life to Works of Mercy” – Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, March 12th, 2024

Blessed Angela Salawa...

Blessed Angela Salawa (1881-1922)

(Franciscan Media) Born the eleventh of twelve children in Poland Krakow, Angela learned piety, modesty and hard work from her Mother writes The Black Cordelias and with these principles Angela grew into a God fearing young woman.

At the age of 15 Angela began working for nearby families and went to work for a family in Siepraw and entertained their children. At 16 she worked for a family in Krakow without complaint until she felt intimidated by the landlord and left her employment and moved in with her sister Teresa until her death in 1899

In 1900 Angela felt called to a religious life and enrolled into the Association of Saint Zita, promoting care for the home, disciplined for Jesus Christ and a model for her Christian life–In 1912 she joined the ‘Third Order of St. Francis’ and two years later during WW I, Angela gave great service caring for injured soldiers in a hospital and prisoners of war without distinction of their nationality, earning the name ‘The Holy Lady’ for those she cared.

Beatified in 1991 Blessed Angela Salawa was remembered by Pope Saint John Paul II during his Papal visit to Poland in August, 2002 for “devoting her life to works of mercy.”