(NBC News) ISIS Jihadist Attack Four NYC Cops in Broad Daylight
Image: Rick Moore@Twitter
ISIS Jihadist Attacks Four NYC Cops Wounding Two, One Critical
Rep Charlie Rangel (D-NY) ISIS Not a Threat to Our Natl Security
(NBC News) ISIS Jihadist Attack Four NYC Cops in Broad Daylight
Image: Rick Moore@Twitter
ISIS Jihadist Attacks Four NYC Cops Wounding Two, One Critical
Rep Charlie Rangel (D-NY) ISIS Not a Threat to Our Natl Security
Rep Charlie Rangel’s Selective Memory –Backward America/Twitter
(Daily Caller) Rep Charlie Rangel (D-NY) sat down with The Daily Beast today lambasting ‘The Tea Party’ saying:
“It is the same group we faced in the South with those White Crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care how they looked, it was just a fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough–I don’t want to see it and I am not part of it. What the hell! If you have to bomb little kids and send dogs out against human beings, give me a break.
More here from Deneen Borelli
Related: Obama’s Watch: Black Teen Unemployment 41.6% –Breitbart
New York Democrat-Socialist Congressman Charlie Rangel together with Islamists friends, lends his support for the Ground Zero Mosque.
You are who your friends are—What kind of company does Charlie Rangle keep?
(Video) Ground Zero Mosque Supporter Curses Out Holocaust Survivor
Related Posts: Ground Zero Mosque Imam’s Ties With 9/11 Truther—O’Reilly Factor
Judge to Ground Zero Mosque Imam Slumlord: Clean-up Tenement—NY Daily News
Ground Zero Mosque Developers owe $224,270.77 in back property taxes–NY Post
Half Baked Mosque Developer Only Owns Half of the Site—NY Post
Popular Will Heard at Ground Zero Rally Opposing Mosque–Human Events
During Congressman Charlie Rangel’s rambling self-indulgent address to his colleagues, the dinosaur media and the American public, for a minute I felt just a little sorry for the 20 year veteran Congressman from New York City but then thought about that.
Congressman Rangel formally a federal prosecutor has been in the House for 40 years, was the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (the tax writing committee in the House of Representatives) until he was forced to step aside due to the alleged ethics violations which he has been charged with. Despite his distinguished military record and tenure in the Congress and advanced age who does the embattled NYC Congressman think he is? What entitles Rangel to any special consideration and treatment not provided to any other Member of Congress under similar circumstances?
It only took but a New York second to know the answer.
Congressman Rangel sees himself as “Entitled” he is of course a longtime NYC Liberal Democrat-Socialist Member of the House of Representatives–the privileged elitist class, who loves spending other peoples money while filing false tax returns and not pay his own taxes.
Congressman Rangel says he is not resigning amid ethics charges Via New York Post
Related Posts: Rangel: “Don’t leave me swinging in the wind” Via My Way News
Rep. Charlie Rangel: I gotta fight my way through this…Via Hot Air