Archive for the ‘Rev. Al Sharpton’ Category

Where’s the Moral Outrage Following the Murder of USC Chinese Grad Student Ji Xinran?

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Family of Chinese Grad Student Murdered in L.A.Grief Stricken Family of USC Chinese Grad Student Ji Xinran Murdered Last Month in Los Angeles –Image: L.A. Times@Twitter

(The Nanfang) Four Hispanic teenage thugs charged in the grizzly murder of 24 yr old USC Grad Student Ji Xinran from China, plead ‘Not Guilty’ according to the L.A. Times Tuesday in Los Angeles and are being held without bond.

The four Hispanic teenage suspects are accused of beating Ji Xinran to death with a baseball bat as he was walking home in July, from a study group.

In April, 2012 I wrote here about the cold blooded murders of two Chinese USC Grad Students Ming Qu and Ying Wu and asked, When will the Rev’s Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, head to Los Angeles to protest and demand justice for the two Chinese Grad students?

Where’s the moral outrage when Black or Hispanic Thugs murder Chinese students? When will the race baiting so called Civil Rights champions of the left, demand that we have a ‘conversation in this country’ about Black and Hispanic Thugs targeting Chinese immigrant students?

Where Is Obama and the Race Hustler’s Moral Outrage Into the Deaths of Christopher Lane and WW II Vet Delbert Benton?

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Obama Selective Outrage --Chicks On The RightObama Selective Outrage –Image: Chicks On The Right

(FOX Sports) Where is the moral outrage of President Obama or race hustlers Al Sharpton and the Rev Jesse Jackson into the cold blooded senseless murders of Australian Christopher Lane, attending East Central Univ in Ada, Oklahoma on a baseball scholarship or 88 year old WW II Vet Delbert Benton beaten to death by two black teen thugs Wednesday evening in Spokane, Washington.

Before Delbert Benton’s death, he was one of just 1.7 million WW II American Heroes living but that number is dwindling fast.

NAACP Asks Secret Service & Dept of Justice to Investigate Missouri State Fair Rodeo Clown

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Rodeo Clowns Wore Bush FacesRodeo Clowns Wore George Bush Mask in 1995 –Dark Star/Twitter

(Breitbart) Today the NAACP issued a statement asking for a federal investigation of the Rodeo Clown that wore the Obama mask at the Missouri State Fair and asked the crowd if they’d like to see Obama run down by a bull?

“The activities at the Missouri State Fair targeting and inciting violence against  our (thin skinned) President are serious and warrant a full review by both the Secret Service and the Dept of Justice…Incidents involving individuals acting out with extreme violent behavior in movie theaters, schools, churches, political appearances and outdoor events in general speaks volume to the irresponsible behavior of all the parties involved with the incendiary events at the Missori State Fair,” wrote Missouri NAACP President Mary Ratliff.

Where is the moral outrage of the NAACP and demands of federal investigations of the death wishes and nastygrams of George Bush via Twitter subsequent to his recent heart surgery or the double standard by the race hustlers Rev’s Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson, that have said nothing about the horrible beating on a school bus in Florida by three Black thugs who targeted one 13 year old Caucasian boy?

Crickets Chirping…

Related: Rodeo Clowns Asked to Take ‘Sensitivity’ Training

Why Didn’t Obama, Sharpton and the Race Hustlers Rally their Minions When 17 Yr Old Jamiel Shaw was Murdered by an Illegal Alien in Los Angeles?

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Why Won't Obama Speak About This...

Why didn’t President Obama and Race Hustler Rev Al Sharpton rally their minions, when Jamiel Shaw was murdered by an illegal alien gang member in Los Angeles?

Image Courtesy: Rowdy Conservatives/Facebook

H/T: Constantine Soriao

President Obama: Where Was Your Moral Outrage in the Cold-Blooded Murder’s of Chinese USC Students Ming Qu & Ying Wu in 2012

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Obama Press ConferenceObama Calls For Soul Searching & Natl Conversation on Race–Again –Cartoon Image: ConstantineSoriao

Memorial Service For Ming Qu and Ying Wu  in Los AngelesMemorial Service in Los Angeles for Ming Qu & Ying Wu Murdered at USC in April, 2012 –Image Courtesy: Xinhua News Agency

Accused Murders of Two Chinese StudentsBryan Barnes & Javier Bolden the Two Black Men Accused of Murdering Chinese USC Graduate Students During a Botched Robbery Attempt –Image: Daily Mail

In April, 2012 I wrote here and here about the cold-blooded murders of Chinese USC Grad students Ming Qu & Ying Wu and asked, ‘When will Rev’s Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson, head to Los Angeles to protest and demand justice for Ying Wu & Ming Qu?’

They never did.

Where was their moral outrage and why didn’t President Obama, ever acknowledge the murders of two Chinese USC students, calling for soul searching and a national dialogue by the African-American community, to end the disproportionately high crime rate by Blacks in America?

Rush Limbaugh Will Make a Great NFL Owner

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Rush Limbaugh
Unable to compete in the arena of original ideas, political activist Al Sharpton resorts to small mindedness accusing Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh of racism, attempting to thwart his bid along with other investors to purchase the St. Louis Rams of the NFL

Stop Playing the Race Card Via World Net Daily

Excellence in broadcasting for 21 years, Rush Limbaugh is a patriot who loves his country, believes in freedom, opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.

Incapable to compete against Rush, Loony Leftist Liberal Losers when not getting their way, resort to their old faithful friend—the race card (again and again) out of desperation.

This is a business decision, Sharpton, et. al. should butt out unless willing to make a bid on the NFL franchise. Rush Limbaugh and his investors group would be immediately able to restore corporate liquidity and the ability to take over day-to-day operations.

Sharpton would rather stroke his ego and see the St. Louis Rams be forced into liquidation, resulting in lay offs of all those depending on the corporation for their economic livelihood, instead of Rush Limbaugh being part owner of an NFL Franchise.

Rush will make a great owner—he will inspire, restore hope to the team, along with home-town fans, Rush Limbaugh is a positive roll model and a great influence on others.

Related Posts:

Sportswriter: Black NFLers Claiming They Won’t Play For Rush ‘Are Lying Through Their Teeth’ Via NewsBusters

Race Card is Part of Obama’s Playbook Via Right

Black Teens Attack White Family In Akron

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Akron, Ohio Racial Attack

African American teens attack  white family in Akron, Ohio on the 4th July shouting “Its a Black World.”

Where are the protests by Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? On the 28 October, I wrote here that Democrats and the “so called” civil rights leaders will seek arrests for hate crime violations of racial attacks on African Americans, conversations on bias and prejudice but are silent when racial attacks occur on White Americans.

Where are the protests now? Had this been an African American family attacked by white youths, bus loads of protesters would be arriving into Akron holding civil rights marches and the MSM (which has been silent about this so far) would have satellite trucks set up broadcasting live from Akron, Ohio decrying the racist incident.

More here from

Rev. Al Sharpton Close Dances With Woman In NYC For Michael Jackson Remembrance

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009


Rev. Al Sharpton, close dances with a Woman at the Apollo Theater, NYC in Remembrance of Michael Jackson.

More here from WCBS TV NYC