Archive for the ‘Saint of the Day’ Category

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Patron Saint of Charitable Societies – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, September 27th, 2024

Saint Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)
Image: Aquitaine

(EWTN) Born in France Gascony, Vincent like his fellow Saint Francis de Sales (Feast Day: 24 January) who was his friend and contemporary, performed an invaluable service to the Church in a period of confusion and laxness.

In 1625 St. Vincent de Paul established the Congregation of Priests of the Missions according to Catholic News Agency as part of an effort to evangelize rural populations and foster vocations to remedy a priest shortage in which he wrote courtesy of the Vatican a wonderful message so practical, for even in our day:

“Our vocation is to go and enflame the heart of men, to do what the Son of God did, He who brought fire into the world to set it alright with His love. What else can we wish for than for it to burn and consume all things?

Thus it is true that I have been sent not only to love God but also to make men love Him.

It is not enough to love God if my neighbor does not love Him. I must love my neighbor as the image of God and the object of His love and do everything so that in their turn men love their Creator who knows and considers them as His brothers who He has served. I must obtain that they love each other with mutual love, out of love for God who loved them to the point of abandoning to death His very Son. So that is my duty.

Now if it is true that we are called to bear God’s love near and far, if we must set nations alight, if our vocation is to go and spread this divine fire in the whole world, if it is so my brothers, if it is really so, how must I myself burn of this divine fire.

How can we give love to others, if we do not have it among us? Let us look if it is so not generally but if each one has it within himself, in due amount because if love is not on fire in us, if we do not love each other as Jesus Christ loved us and if we do not act as He did. how can we hope to spread such love throughout the world? You can not give what you do not have. The precise duty of charity consists of ‘doing to others what you reasonably would like done for yourself.’ Do I really behave towards my neighbor as I wish he would towards me?

Let us look at the Son of God. Only our Lord can be so taken by love for creatures so much as to leave His Father’s throne and take a body subject to infirmity and why? In order to establish among us, with His word and example, the love of our neighbors. This is the love that led Him to the Cross and accomplished the wonderful work of our redemption. If we had a little of such love, would we stay here with folded arms? Oh! No, love can not remain barren, it urges us to obtain Salvation and relief for others.”

Not long after establishing the ‘Congregation of Priests of the Mission’ Fr. Vincent de Paul worked with the future Saint Louise de Marillac (Feast Day: 15 March) to establish the ‘Daughters of Charity’ dedicated to serving the sick, poor and neglected.

Under Sister Louise de Marillac direction, the Order collected donations which Fr. Vincent de Paul distributed widely among the needy. — These contributions went toward homes for abandoned children, a hospice for the elderly and a large complex where some 40,000 poor people were given lodging and work.

Admired for great accomplishments during his lifetime, Fr. Vincent de Paul, maintained great personal humility, using his reputation and connections to help the poor and strengthen the Church.

Fr. Vincent de Paul passed away on this date in 1660 only months following the death of St. Louise de Marillac (1591-1660) — In August 1729 he was Beatified by Pope Benedict XIII and Canonized in June 1737 by Pope Clement XI

More here from Franciscan Media

Today Christians Commemorate St. Cosmas and St. Damian, Physicians & Martyrs for Christ -Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Sts Cosmas and Damian Martyrs

St. Cosmas and St. Damian
Image: Garden of Mary

(CNA) Cosmas and Damain were twins born in 3rd century Arabia into a Christian family and grew up in the region around the border between what’s now modern day Turkey and Syria, both became Physicians attaining a great reputation, charging nothing for their medical services, called ‘Anargyros’ and thus were able to win many souls for Christ, earning them a place of prominence in the Christian communities.

When the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian (from around 284 to 305 — see also: Feast of Saint Januarius Feast Day:19 September) the ‘Perfect Lysias’ had Cosmas and Damian arrested and ordered them to deny their faith in Christ, when they refused, they were repeatedly tortured but in a miraculous manner would suffer no injuries from either water, fire, air or crucifixion. Their Torturers weary of what they realized would be an impossible task, finally beheaded the brothers. — In Rome, Pope Felix IV (526-530) erected a Church in their honor.

Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian are invoked in the Canon of the Mass and the Litany of Saints.

More here from EWTN

Today Christians Honor Saint’s Louis & Zelie Martin – Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Blessed Louis Martin...

Saint Loius Martin & Saint Zelie Guerin
Image: Carmelite Sisters of Ireland

(Franciscan Media) Born in France Bordeaux 1823 Louis’ desire to join a religious community went unfulfilled as he didn’t know Latin, he therefore trained to become a watchmaker.

Subsequently upon moving to Normandy, he met and fell in love with the highly skilled lacemaker Zelie, who also had been disappointed by her attempted to enter a religious order in her life — In 1858 Louis and Zelie were married and God blessed them with 9 children though two sons and two daughters died during infancy.

Louis would help manage his wife’s Zelie lace making business in their home while raising their children — Louis would become a widower when his wife Zelie died from breast cancer just months before her 46th birthday.

Following Zelie’s death, Louis moved his family to France Lisieux, to be near his brother and sister-in-law who helped with the education of his 5 surviving girls. — In 1889 Louis would suffer two paralyzing strokes according to SQPN followed by psychological trauma which resulted in his hospitalization for the next three years.

As Louis health deteriorated, his eldest daughter entered the Monastery of Mt. Carmel at Lisieux in 1888 — Subsequently, all 4 of her siblings also  entered into a religious life becoming Nuns, the youngest of which became Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (Feast Day: 01 October)

In 1894 their father Louis passed away. — Both Louis and Zelie were Venerated declared ‘Heroic in Virtue’ in 1994 by Pope Saint John Paul II and Beatified in 2008 by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI — In October 2015, both Blessed Louis Martin and Blessed Zelie Martin were Canonized by Pope Francis in Rome during the Synod of the Family.

More here from the Carmelite Sisters of Ireland and here by Society of the Little Flower

Today Christians Honor St. John Henry Newman, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

Saint John Henry Newman (1801-1890)
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

(Franciscan Media) Saint John Henry Newman was an Anglican convert to Catholicism according to NC Register who later became a Cardinal and one of the great modern teachers of the faith. Through a diligent study of the Scriptures and Fathers of the Church, Cardinal Newman pursued the truth wherever it would lead him, his intellectual honesty and courage led him to give up the prestige he enjoyed at Oxford University in order to convert to the Catholic Church at the age of forty-four…

Born in England London, John Henry studied at Oxford’s Trinity College, was a tutor at Oriel College and for 17 years was a Vicar of the University Church St. Mary the Virgin located in the center of Oxford for over 700 years.

After 1833 John Henry Newman was a prominent member of the Oxford Movement which sought a renewal of ‘Catholic’ thought and practice within the Church of England in opposition to the Protestant tendencies of the Church.

Historical research made Newman suspect that the Roman Catholic Church was in closest continuity with the Church that Jesus established and in 1845 he was received into full communion as a Catholic. Two years subsequently, Newman was Ordained a Priest in Rome and joined the Congregation of the Oratory, founded three centuries earlier by Saint Philip Neri (Feast Day: 26 May) — Returning to England, Fr. Newman founded ‘Oratory’ Houses in Birmingham together in London and for seven years, served as a Rector of the Catholic University of Ireland.

Before Fr. Newman, Catholic theology tended to ignore history, preferring instead to draw deductions from first principles–much as plane Geometry does. After Fr. Newman, the lived experience of Believers was recognized as a key part of theological reflection.

Fr. Newman eventually would go on to write 40 books and 21,000 letters that survive. Most famous are his book length Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine 1878 — Fr. Newman accepted Vatican I’s teaching on ‘Papal Infallibility’ while noting its limits, which many people who favored that definition were reluctant to do.

When Fr. Newman was made a Cardinal in 1879 he took as a motto: “Cor ad cor loquitur” (“Heart speaks unto heart”) which as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI points out, this “gives us an insight to his understanding of the Christian life as a call to holiness, experienced as the profound desire of the human heart to enter into intimate communion with the Heart of God.” — Cardinal Newman, “reminds us that faithfulness to prayer gradually transforms us into the divine likeness, as he wrote in one of his many fine sermons: A habit of prayer, the practice of turning to God and the unseen world in every season, in every place, in every emergency–prayer, I say,has what may be called a natural effect in spiritualizing and elevating the soul. A man, is no longer what he was before; gradually…he has embedded  a new set of ideas and become(s) embedded with fresh principles.” (Parochial and Plain Sermons, IV 230-231)

Cardinal Newman passed away in August 1890 of Pneumonia — Three years after his death, a ‘Newman Club for Catholic Students’ began at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and in time, Cardinal Newman’s name was linked to ministry centers at many public and private colleges and universities throughout the United States.

In 1991 Pope Saint John Paul II Venerated Cardinal Newman with a decree of Heroic Virtues; On the 19 September, 2010 Cardinal Newman was Beatified by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Canonized in 2019

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Saint ‘Padre Pio’ da Pietrelcina – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Saint Padre PioSaint Padre Pio (1887-1968)
Image Courtesy: Archbishop Jose Gomez

(CNA) Born in Italy Benevento, Francesco Forgione (birth name) was one of seven children (two of which died in infancy) Francesco’s parents Grazio and Maria taught him and his siblings to live their faith in Christ in daily Mass, family prayer of the Rosary and regular acts of penance.

Francesco had already at a young age decided to dedicate his life to God, by the age of 10, he felt inspired by the example of a young Capuchin Franciscan and told his parents, “I want to be a Friar–with a beard.” Francesco’s father would spend time in the United States, working to finance his son’s education so that he could enter the religious life.

By the 22 January, 1903 Francesco would don the Franciscan habit for the first time, taking the name ‘Pio’ a modernized Italian form of ‘Pius’ in honor of Pope Saint Pius V (Feast Day: 30 April) he would subsequently make his solemn vows four years later and was Ordained into the Priesthood in 1910 — Shortly thereafter he received the Stigmata — Christ wounds present in his own flesh.

Along with these mystical however real wounds, Padre Pio also suffered some health problems, which forced him to live apart from his Franciscan community for the first six years of his Priesthood. — By 1916 Padre Pio managed to reenter community life at the Friary of ‘San Giovanni Rotondo’ where he would live until his death.

Padre Pio would handle many duties there as spiritual director and teacher, covering for Brothers that were drafted into WW I

During 1917-1918 Padre Pio himself briefly served in a medical unit in the Italian Army, he would later ‘offer himself’ as a victim for an end to the war, accepting suffering as a form of prayer for peace. — Once more he would receive a ‘Stigmata’ which remained with him for 50 years, through a succession of global conflicts.

Against Padre Pio’s own wishes, his reputation for holiness and realizing miracles began to attract huge crowds. Some Church officials however denounced Fr. Pio and would have him banned from public ministry in 1931 — Pope Pius XI ordered the ban be lifted two years later and his successor Pope Pius XII encouraged pilgrimages to Padre Pio’s Friary.

Padre Pio, known for patient suffering, fervent prayer and compassionate spiritual guidance, lent his efforts to the establishment of a major hospital (Cathedral of Charity) to ‘soothe physical pain and wounds’ known as the House for the Relief of Suffering in 1956 according to SQPN which serves 60,000 annually.

On this date in 1968 Padre Pio, passed away, he was Venerated in 1997, Beatified in 1999 and Canonized in 2002 by Pope Saint John Paul in Italy.

  • More here from the Vatican here from Franciscan Media
    and here from EWTN

Related: For Today’s Bible Readings on the Memorial of St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Lorenzo Ruiz & Companions, Martyrs for Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, September 22nd, 2024

St Lorenzo Ruiz

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz (1600-1637)
Image: Catholic Online

(Franciscan Media) Born in Philippines Manila to Christian parents his father Chinese and mother from the Philippines, Lorenzo would learn Mandarin from them and Spanish from the Dominicans, whom he served as an alter boy and sacristan; Later Lorenzo learned calligraphy and would transcribe documents beautifully–he was a full member of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary under the Dominican auspices, later Lorenzo would marry and have three children–two sons and a daughter.

Lorenzo’s life took an abrupt turn when he would be accused of murder–nothing more is known of this except the state of two Dominican’s that “he was sought by the authorities on account of a homicide to which he allegedly was present or which was attributed to him.”

At about this same time, three Dominican Priests (Fr’s Antonio Gonzalez, Guillermo Courtet and Miguel de Aozaraza) were about to sail to Japan in spite of violent persecution there. — With them was a Japanese Priest Fr. Vicente Shiwozuka de la Cruz, and a Laymen Lazaro, Lorenzo accepted refuge from them and permitted to accompany them. Only when they were at sea, did Lorenzo learn they were going to Japan.

Finally landing in Okinawa, Lorenzo could have sailed on to Formosa (today known as Taiwan) but he reported: “I decided to stay with the Fathers because the Spaniards would hang me there.” — In Japan, the group were soon found out, arrested and taken to Nagasaki, there they were subjected to unspeakable tortures. According to SQPN Lorenzo and the Priests broke at one point and were ready to renounce their faith in exchange for release but after their moment of crisis, they reclaimed their faith, defying their tormentors until death.

Lorenzo died in September 1637 — Venerated in 1980, Beatified in 1981 and Canonized in 1987 by Pope Saint John Paul II

More here by Pope Saint John Paul II and here Novena to St. Lorenzo from Children’s Rosary

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist, Patron Saint of Investment Advisors & Accountants, Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, September 21st, 2024

The Calling of St. Matthew PaintingPainting: ‘The Calling of St. Matthew’
Artist: Matthias Stomer (1600-1650)
Image Courtesy: Molly/Flickr

(CNA) St. Matthew, the first century ‘Tax Collector’ turned Apostle, chronicled the life and ministry of Christ in his Gospel. While little is known of Sr. Matthew, the account which he wrote about Christ’s Ministry is of inestimable value to Christians, particularly to his verification of Jesus as the Messiah.

The Gospel accounts of St. Mark (Feast Day: 25 April) and St. Luke (Feast Day: 18 October)  like St. Matthew’s own, describe the encounter between Jesus and Matthew: Matthew 9:9-13 under the surprising circumstances of Matthew’s tax-collecting duties. Jewish Publicans who collected taxes on behalf of the Roman authorities of first century Judea were objects of scorn, even hatred among their own communities–since they worked on behalf of the occupying authority, often earning their living by collecting more than the state’s due.

Jesus most likely encountered Matthew near the house of St. Peter (Feast Day: 29 June) in Capernaum, near the Sea of Galilee — Matthew’s calling into Jesus’ inner circle, was a dramatic gesture of of the Messiah’s universal message and mission, causing some religious authorities of the Jewish community to ask: “Why does your teacher eat with the tax-collectors and sinners?” —Matthew 9:11 Jesus significant response indicated a central purpose: “For I came not to call the righteous but sinners.” Matthew 9:13; See also: Mark 2:15-17 and Luke 5:29-32

A witness to Christ’s resurrection after death as well as His ascension into Heaven and the events of Pentecost, Matthew also recorded Jesus’ instruction for the Apostles:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.” — Matthew 28:19-20

Like 11 of the 12 Apostles, St. Matthew is traditionally thought to have died as a Martyr for Christ, while ministering the Gospel.

There is some disagreement as to the place of St. Matthew’s martyrdom according to EWTN and the kind of torture inflicted upon him, therefore its is not known whether St. Matthew was beheaded, burned or stoned to death.

Both St. Matthew and his Gospel have inspired important works of religious art, ranging from the ornate illuminated pages of the ‘Book of Kells’ to the St. Matthew Passion of J.S. Bach — Three famous paints of Caravaggio, depicting St. Matthew’s calling, inspiration and martyrdom, hanging within the Contarelli Chapel in Rome’s Church of St. Louis of the French.

Reflecting on St. Matthew’s calling, from the pursuit of dishonest financial gain to the heights of holiness and divine inspiration, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said, “…the persuasive voice of the publican Matthew, who having become an Apostle, continues to proclaim God’s saving mercy to us and let us listen to St. Matthew’s message, meditating upon it ever anew also to learn to stand up and follow Jesus with determination.”

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings on the Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Andrew Kim Taegon, St. Paul Chong Hasang, Martyrs For Christ Jesus – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, September 20th, 2024

Sts Andrew Kim and Paul ChongSt. Andrew Kim Tae-gon & St. Paul Chong Hasang
Please Pray For Us!
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

(Vatican) Pope Saint John Paul II said this of the Catholic Church in Korea in his Homily during the ‘Celebration of Mass for the Canonization of Korean Martyrs’ on the 06 May, 1984

“The truth about Jesus Christ–reached Korean soil, it came by means of books brought from China and in a most marvelous way, divine grace soon moved your scholarly ancestors, first to an intellectual quest for the truth of God’s word and then to a living faith in the Risen Savior.

Yearning for an ever greater share in the Christian faith, tour ancestors, sent one of their own to Peking where he was Baptized. From this good seed was born the first Christian community in Korea, unique in the history of the Church by reason of the fact, that it was founded entirely by Lay people.

This fledgling Church, so young and yet so strong in faith, withstood wave after wave of fierce persecution. Thus in less than a century, it could boast 10,000 Martyrs. The years 1791, 1801, 1827, 1839, 1846 and 1866 are forever signed with the Holy blood of your Martyrs and engraved in your hearts.

Even though the Christians in the first half century only had two Priests from China to assist them and these only for a time, they deepened their unity in Christ through prayer and fraternal love; they disregarded social classes, encouraged religious vocations and they sought ever closer union with the Bishop in Peking and the Pope in faraway Rome.

After years of pleading for more Priests to be sent, your Christian ancestors welcomed the first French Missionaries in 1836 — Some of these too are numbered among the Martyrs who gave their lives for the sake of the Gospel and who are being Canonized today in this historic celebration.”

Saint Andrew Kim Taegon: (EWTN) Born 1821 in Korea Chungchong Province, his parents being converts to Catholicism were subject to persecution, to avoid this they moved to Kyonggi Province.

At the age of 15, Kim Tae-gon was selected by a visiting Priest to be a Seminarian and was sent with two other Seminarian to China Macau.

Arriving in 1873 he began his studies with the Missionaries of the Far Eastern Procure of the ‘Paris Foreign Mission Society’ by 1842 Kim Tae-gon left Macau as an Interpreter for a French Admiral aboard a warship. When the Admiral returned to France, Kim Tae-gon attempted to return to his homeland through the strictly guarded Northern frontier but failed.

In 1844 Kim Tae-gon was Ordained a Deacon in China, managing to return to Korea the following year arriving in Seoul — Kim Tae-gon would subsequently lead the French Missionaries by sea to China Shanghai, where Bishop Ferreol Ordained Kim Tae-gon the first Korean Priest in the Church’s 60 yr history in Korea.

Fr. Kim Tae-gon would return to Korea with Bishop Ferreol, reaching Chungchong Province by October 1845 — In Fr. Kim Tae-gon hometown, he Catechized the Christian faithful until Bishop Ferreol summoned him to Seoul.

At Bishop Ferreol Order, Fr.  Kim Tae-gon, he attempted to introduce French Missionaries from China into Korea, enlisting the aid of Chinese Fishermen. For this, Fr. Kim Tae-gon was arrested and sent to the central prison in Seoul, where he was charged as the ‘ringleader’ of a heretical sect, traitor to his country and sentenced to death by beheading.

Saint Paul Chong Hasang: (SQPN) Born 1795 in Korea and son of Yak Jong Church who was Martyred for Christ in 1801 during the persecution of Shin-Yu, which resulted in the deaths of all of the Clergy– Paul Chong Hasang though a Laymen, reunited the scattered Christians, encouraging them to keep and live their faith.

Paul Chong Hasang would write the Sang-Je-Sang-Su attempting to explain to the Korean government why the Church was no threat to them. Crossing into China 9 separate times, he worked as a servant to the Korean diplomatic corps. There Paul Chong Hasang worked to get the Bishop of Beijing, to send more Priests to Korea, he would likewise plead directly to Rome for assistance.

In September 1831 Pope Gregory X proclaimed the validity of the Korean Catholic Diocese. When the Priests began to return, Paul Ching Hasang entered the Seminary to study for the Priesthood, however he would be Martyred during the Gi Hye perscution of 1839 before he could be Ordained. — Paul Chong Hasang is remembered as one of the ‘Great Founders’ of the Catholic Church in Korea.

Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, there were 6 great waves of persecutions in which some 10,000 Christians according to Catholic News Agency shed their blood for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Today there are an estimated 5.1 Million Catholics in Korea.

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Kim Tae-gon  & St. Paul Chong Hasang & Companions, Martyrs for Christ Jesus, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate Saint Januarius, Martyr for Christ Jesus, Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, September 19th, 2024

Martyrdom of St.-Januarius

Martyrdom of St. Januarius in 304
Image: Catholic Lane

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy, little is known of the life of Saint Januarius except that he was a Bishop of Italy Benevento according to SQPN and was arrested during the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian (from about 284 until is reign ended in 305) when Januarius went to visit imprisoned Deacons and was martyred for Christ with them.

More here from EWTN

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Joseph of Cupertino, Patron Saint of Aviators & Air Travelers, Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

St Joseph...

Saint Joseph of Cupertino (1601-1663)
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) Born in Italy Cupertino, Joseph’s father was a poor carpenter who died before he was born, leaving some debts–creditors would drive Joseph’s mother from her home while she was still pregnant with him and as a result Joseph, like the Baby Jesus, was born in a stable. — From this point on, not much is known about young Joseph until about the age of 7 or 8 when he began to have ‘mystical visions’ and was often times so lost to the world around him, that the other children would make fun of young Joseph, giving him the nickname “open-mouthed” for his gaping manner.

During this time, Joseph had a hot, irascible temper and read very poorly giving people the impression that Joseph was not very smart and not good for much. Aside from this, Joseph was continually drawn into a state of ecstasy which would leave him out of touch with things around him, making it impossible for him to be attentive to the tasks at hand. — Later when Joseph secured employment, he lost it very quickly.

According to EWTN at the age of 17, Joseph attempted to be admitted to the ‘Friars Minor Conventuals’ but was refused on the account of his ignorance. Subsequently Joseph applied to the ‘Capuchins at Martino’ near Italy Taranto and was accepted as a Lay-Brother at the age of 19 but his persistent ecstatic experiences would make him unfit to work and he was subsequently dismissed.

As a consequence to Joseph’s peculiar nature, he found himself to be scorned by his mother and uncle’s as ‘being good for nothing’ Joseph though did not lose hope. Though Joseph’s continual prayers and sincere desire, he succeeded in obtaining permission to work in the stable at the Franciscan Convent of La Grotella near Cupertino, at which time he would give evidence to his great virtues, humility, obedience and love of penance to such an extent that Joseph was admitted in 1625 and in just 3 years, he was Ordained a Priest.

Fr. Joseph was but a little versed in human knowledge and according to his biographers, he continued to read poorly (as was this case earlier in his life) yet he was said to be ‘infused by knowledge and supernatural light’ that he not only surprised all educated men but they were also surprised how Joseph could solve the most intricate questions.

Fr. Joseph’s life was now one long succession of visions and other heavenly favors–Everything that in any way had reference to God or Holy things, would bring on an ecstatic state: The sound of a bell, or of Church music, the mentioning of God, or the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Saint, any event in the Life of Christ, the Sacred Passion, a Holy picture to the thought of the Glory of Heaven, all would put Fr. Joseph into contemplation and nothing would have any effect on him during such times–only the voice of his Superior would have an effect on his state of consciousness.

These ‘States of Ecstasy’ would occur at any time or place but especially at Mass and during Divine Services. Fr. Joseph would likewise frequently would be raised up (levitating) in the air, as a result of such occurrences in public, this resulted in both much admiration of Fr. Joseph but also disturbances within the community.

As a result of such occurrences, for the last 35 years of Fr. Joseph’s life he was no longer permitted to attend choir, go to the common refectory, walk in procession or celebrate Mass in Church but was ordered to remain in his room where a private Chapel was prepared for him.

Evil minded and envious men would have Fr. Joseph investigated by the Inquisition and he would be transferred from one lonely house of the Capuchins or Franciscans to another but Fr. Joseph always retained his joyful spirit, submitting confidently to Divine Providence.

Fr. Joseph passed away on this date in 1663 in 1753 he was Beatified by Pope Benedict XIV and Canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII

More here from Franciscan Media