Archive for the ‘Saint of the Day’ Category

Today Christians Commemorate Prince St. Cloud, Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

(Angelus News) St. Cloud was born in 522 was the Grandson of King Clovis I, the first Catholic monarch of what is now present day France, after the death of their father, Cloud and his brother were raised by their Grandmother, St. Queen Clothilde.

King Cloud divided his kingdom into four sections one for each of his sons, following his death in 511, two of Prince Cloud’s uncles and two other boys in an attempt to leave only one living son, King of all the territories. Prince Cloud escaped and lived as a Monk for many years, giving away his wealth to the poor and renouncing his position and wealth entirely, he would become a Priest in 551

Fr. Cloud spent time as a Hermit in the forest studying Holy Scripture, he would found a community of Monks and passed away there at the age of thirty-eight on this date in 560 — Many cities and towns are named after St. Cloud, including St. Cloud, Minnesota.

St. Cloud, please pray that we’ll always be committed to Christ Jesus and the most Holy Scriptures no matter the consequences.

Today Christians Commemorate St. Anastasius The Fuller & Blessed Frederic Ozanam – Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

St. Anastasios

St. Anastasius Fuller, Martyr for Christ
Image: San Sabastian College

(EWTN) Born in Italy Aquileian (modern day Venice) into a wealthy noble family according to SQPN Anastasius became a fuller or a cloth merchant in Dalmatia (modern day Croatia) there he painted a cross on the door of his shop, Anastasius was subsequently arrested for practicing Christianity and was martyred by drowning in 304

Blessed Frederic Ozanam

(Franciscan Media) Frederic was convinced of the inestimable worth of each person that he would serve the poor of Paris — During his Beatification in 1997 Pope Saint John Paul II noted Frederic Ozanam was a “Good Samaritan—loved everyone who was deprived. From his youth, he became aware that it was not enough to speak about charity and the mission of the Church in the world, rather what was needed was an effective commitment of Christians in the service of the poor…he understood that charity must lead to efforts to remedy injustice….”

Today Christians Commemorate St. Lawrence Justinian, Please Pray For Us!

Friday, September 6th, 2024

(Angelus News) St. Lawrence (1381-1455) wanted to become a Canonized Saint from the time he was a child and when he was nineteen, he received a vision that left a void in his heart that only God could fulfill, he turned down an arranged marriage, instead joined the ‘Canons Regular of St. George’ a friend of his, tried to tempt him back into a life of earthly pleasures but Brother Lawrence knew that only God could bring him happiness.

Brother Lawrence became Superior and subsequently General of ‘Canons Regular of St. George’ he would later become Bishop of his Diocese and later appointed the first Patriarch of Italy Venice, through it all he remained humble, eternally seeking Heaven.

Today Christians Honor Blessed Claudio Granzotto – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, September 6th, 2024

Blessed Claudio Granzotto (1900-1947)
Image Courtesy: Pinterest

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy Santa Lucia di Piave in 1900, Claudio was the youngest of 9 children in a peasant farming family according to SQPN and so was accustomed to hard work in the fields. At the age of 9, Claudio’s father passed away and six years later at 15, Claudio was drafted into the Army serving three years.

Claudio loved art especially religious themed art and graduated with Honors from Italy Venice ‘Academy of Fine Arts’ in 1929 — Four yrs after graduation, Claudio entered the ‘Order of Friars Minor’ which his Parish Priest wrote of him: “The Order is receiving not only an artist but a Saint.”

Prayer, charity to the poor and artistic work characterized Claudio’s short life as he died on the day of the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1947 at the age of just 46 of a brain tumor.

Claudio was Beatified in 1994 by Pope Saint John Paul II

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta — Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, September 5th, 2024

Mother Teresa...Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
Image Courtesy: –A Celebration of Women

(Franciscan Media) Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the tiny Woman recognized throughout the world for her work among the poorest of the poor, was Beatified the 19 October, 2003 on World Mission Sunday by Pope Saint John Paul II who said in his Homily:

“With the witness of her life, Mother Teresa reminds everyone that the evangelizing mission of the Church passes through charity, nourished by prayer and listening to God’s word. Emblematic of the missionary style is the image that shows the new Blessed, clasping a child’s hand in one hand, while moving her Rosary beads with the other.

Contemplation and action, evangelization and human promotion, Mother Teresa proclaimed the Gospel living her life as a ‘total gift to the poor’ but at the same time, steeped in prayer.”

Mother Teresa’s birth name Agnes Gonxa Bojaxhiu in Macedonia Skopje and was the youngest of three children. As a youth, ‘Agnes’ attended a group meeting called ‘Sodality’ run by a Jesuit Priest at her Parish, Agnes’ involvement opened her to the call of service as a Missionary Nun.

Agnes would join the ‘Sisters of Loretto’ at the age of 17 and was sent to Calcutta where she would teach at a high school. — Later contracting TB, Agnes was sent to rest in West Bengal Darjeeling, it was on the train to Darjeeling that Agnes received her calling–what she would call “an Order” from God to leave the Convent to work and live among the poor.

At this point in her life, Sister Teresa didn’t know that she was to found an Order of Nuns or even exactly where she was to serve. “I knew where I belonged but I did not know how to get there,” Mother Teresa said once, recalling the moment on the train.

Confirmation of the calling came to Sister Teresa when the Vatican granted her permission to leave the ‘Sisters of Loretto’ and fulfill her calling under the Archbishop of Calcutta — Sister Teresa started working in the slums, teaching poor children and caring for the sick in their homes, she was joined a year later by some of her former students and together they would take in Women, Men and Children who were dying in the gutters along the streets, caring for them.

In 1948 the Missionaries of Charity Sisters was founded ‘to be a channel of God’s love to Calcutta’s poorest of the poor, convinced that they were a presence of the suffering Jesus,” who has said:

“I was hungry…I was thirsty…I was a stranger…I was naked…I was sick…I was in prison and you came to me.” Matthew 25:35-36

Sister Teresa’s Missionary Order grew very quickly from a single house for the dying and unwanted to nearly 500 around the world. Later, Mother Teresa would establish homes for AIDS patients, for Prostitutes to Battered Women and Orphanages for children.

Mother Teresa would often say ‘the poorest of the poor were those who had no one to care for them and no one who would know them,’ often times remarked with sadness and desolation of millions of souls in the developed world, whose spiritual poverty and loneliness was such an immense cause of suffering.

A fierce defender of the unborn, Mother Teresa said: “If you hear of some Woman who does not want to keep her child and wants to have an abortion, try to persuade her to bring him to me. I will love that child, seeing in him the sign of God’s love.”

Mother Teresa passed away on this date in 1997 and Beatified just six years after her death.

Remembered fondly by many worldwide, Mother Teresa one time reminded us, which is still true to this day:

  • “A sacrifice to be real must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace.”
  • “Give yourself fully to God, He will use you to accomplish great things on the condition that you believe much more in His love than in your weakness.”

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Rose of Viterbo — Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024

Saint Rose of ViterboPainting: ‘The Virgin and Child with Saint Rose of Viterbo’
Image Courtesy: Painting Arts

(Franciscan Media) Born 1234 in Italy Viterbo, Rose achieved Sainthood in only 18 yrs of life.

Even as a child, Rose had a great desire to pray and aid the poor. While still very young, Rose began a life of penance in her home, she was generous to the poor as religiously devout with herself.

At the age of 10, Rose became a ‘Secular Franciscan’ and soon began ministering in the streets about sin, faith and the sufferings of Jesus.

Viterbo at this time was in revolt against the Papacy, when Rose sided with Pope Innocent IV (1243-1254) against the Emperor Frederick II (1220-1250) Rose and her family were exiled from the city. When Pope Innocent IV side prevailed, Rose was permitted to return to Viterbo.

Rose at the age of 15 so wished to enter the Monastery of ‘St. Mary of the Roses’ but was refused because of her poverty and returned to life of prayer and penance in her family home where she died in 1252 — Rose was Canonized in 1457 by Pope Callistus III

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Pope Saint Gregory The Great, Doctor of the Church, Patron Saint of Teachers – Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Saint Gregory the GreatPope Saint Gregory the Great (540-604)
Image Courtesy: Archbishop Jose Gomez

(CNA) Born in Italy Rome, Gregory received an education in the liberal arts and law, together with receiving a critical Christian foundation in his youthful days from his mother also St. Silvia of Rome (Feast Day: 03 November) and his family, Aunties: St. Emiliana and St. Trasilla together with the influences left on his family by Gregory’s Great-Grandfather Pope Saint Felix III

By the age of 30, Gregory was successful in advancing to high political office in Rome, during what was nevertheless a period of marked decline for the city.

After (nearly) 5 years on office according to Franciscan Media Gregory chose to resign his position, founded 6 Monasteries on his Sicilian estate and became a Benedictine Monk in his home at Rome under the Patronage of St. Andrew according to EWTN probably in 574

In 578 much against Gregory’s will, the Pope ordered him out of seclusion, Ordained him a Priest and made Fr. Gregory one of the Pope’s Seven Deacons of Rome, also serving in the East as Papal representative in Constantinople — In either the year 585 or 586 Fr. Gregory was recalled to Rome and with the greatest of joy returned to the monasteries of St. Andrew (that he founded) which he became Abbot soon thereafter, growing famous under his enthusiastic and energetic tenure, producing many Monks — On this date in 590 at the age of 50 Gregory was elected Pope by the Clergy and people of Rome.

As Pope, Gregory was direct and firm, removing unworthy Priests from office together with forbidding the taking of money for many services. Pope Gregory emptied the Papal treasury to pay the ransom of prisoners from the Lombards and to care for the persecuted Jews together with caring for victims of plague and famine. Pope Gregory was also very concerned about the spirituality of England and sent there 40 Monks from the Monastery that he had founded. — Pope Gregory is known for his reform of the liturgy and for strengthening respect for doctrine.

An Anglican historian has written: “It’s impossible to conceive what would have been the confusion, the lawlessness, the chaotic state of the Middle Ages without the medieval Papacy and of the medieval Papacy, the real Father is Gregory the Great.”

Pope Saint Gregory’s book Pastoral Care on the duties and qualities of a Bishop, was read for centuries following his death. Pope Gregory described Bishops mainly as physicians whose main duties were preaching and the enforcement of discipline. In his own down to earth ministry, Pope Saint Gregory was skilled at applying the daily Gospel to the needs of his listeners.

Called ‘The Great’ Pope Saint Gregory the Great, has been given a place with Saint Augustine (Feast Day: 28 August) Saint Ambrose (Feast Day: 07 December) and Saint Jerome (Feast Day: 30 September) as one of the four key Doctors of the Western Church.

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings and More, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Honor Blessed John Francis Burte and Companions, Martyrs For Christ During the French Revolution – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Massacres of the French RevolutionFrench Martyrs for Christ of the September Massacres
Image: Tradition in Action

(Franciscan Media) These Priests were victims of the French Revolution–Though their Martyrdom spans several years, they are recognized together in the Church’s memory because they all sacrificed their lives for the same principle.

The ‘Civil Constitution of the Clergy’ in 1791 required that all Priests take an oath which amounted to a denial of their faith–each of these men refused and were executed.

Fr. John Francis Burte became a Franciscan at 16 and subsequent to his Ordination, he taught Theology to the young Friars–Later he was Guardian of the large Conventual Friary in Paris until he was arrested and held in the Convent of the Carmelites.

Fr. Apollinaris of Posat was born in Switzerland 1739 he joined the Capichins and acquired a reputation as an excellent Minister, Confessor and Instructor of Clerics. Sent to the East as a Missionary, he was in Paris studying Asian languages when the French Revolution began. Refusing to execute the oath, he was swiftly arrested and detained in the Carmelite Convent.

Fr. Severin Girault a member of the ‘Third Order Regular’ and Chaplain for a group of Sisters in Paris, he was imprisoned with the Priests and was the first to be Martyred in the slaughter at the Convent.

These three Priests together with 182 others (which included several Bishops) were massacred at the Carmelite House in Paris on this date in 1792 and were Beatified in 1926 by Pope Pius XI

Fr. John Baptist Triquerie born in 1737 entered the Conventual Franciscans, he was Chaplain and Confessor of the ‘Poor Clare Monasteries’ in three cities before he was arrested for refusing to take the oath, he and 13 Diocesan Priest were guillotined in Laval on 21 January, 1794 — Fr. John Baptist Triquerie was Beatified in 1955 by Pope Pius XII

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Giles, Patron Saint of the Poor & Disabled – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

St Giles

Saint Giles (650-710)
Image: Christ Church Windsor, Nova Scotia

(Franciscan Media) Despite the fact that much about St. Giles is shrouded in mystery, one can say that he was one of the most popular Saints in the Middle Ages.

Giles was either born in France (or Greece Athens, according to EWTN about the middle of the 7th century) building a Monastery in the French valley under the ‘Rule of St. Benedict’ which became a popular stopping-off point for Pilgrims making their way to Compostela in Spain and the Holy Land.

In England, many ancient Churches and hospitals were dedicated to St. Giles — one of the sections of  Brussels is named after him. In Germany, Giles was included among the ‘Fourteen Holy Helpers’ a popular group of Saint’s to whom people prayed, especially for the recovery from disease and for strength at the hour of death. Among the ‘Fourteen Holy Helpers’ were Saint Christopher, Saint Barbara and Saint Blaise — Interestingly, Giles was the only non-martyr among them.

Devotion to the ‘Fourteen Holy Helpers’ was especially strong in parts of Germany, Hungary and Sweden. Such devotion made St. Giles popularity spread and was soon invoked as the Patron Saint of the Poor and Disabled.

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph of Arimathea & Saint Nicodemus, Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Joseph of ArimatheaSaint Joseph of Arimathea Asking Pilate for the Body of Jesus
Painting By: James Tissot –Image Courtesy: Pinterest

(Franciscan Media) The actions of these two influential Jewish leaders give insight to the charismatic power of Jesus, His teachings and the risks that may be involved in following our Blessed Redeemer.

Saint Joseph of Arimathea was a respected, wealthy civic leader who had become a disciple of Jesus–Following Jesus’ death, Joseph obtained Jesus’ body from Pilate, wrapped it in fine linen and buried Him in the tomb. —John 19:38-42 For these reasons Joseph is the ‘Patron Saint of Funeral Directors and Pallbearers’ — More importantly, is the courage Joseph showed in asking Pilate for Jesus’ body. Jesus who had been condemned a criminal was publicly executed.

Jesus and NicodemusJesus and Nicodemus –Image: Wikipedia

Saint Nicodemus was a Pharisee and we know from Scripture that he was a ‘Member of the Jewish Ruling Council’ and that he went to Jesus secretly at night to better understand salvation and what is meant by being born again? —John 3:1-21

Later Nicodemus spoke up for Jesus when the Chief Priests and Pharisees were accusing Him of blasphemy —John 7:32-51 and subsequently assisted Saint Joseph of Arimathea in Jesus’ burial.

Related: More About St. Joseph of Arimathea here from EWTN and St. Nicodemus here from New Advent