Archive for the ‘Sen. Harry Reid’ Category

Democrats Think Americans are Stupid…

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

Sen Harry Reid

(FOX News) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) attempting to explain yesterday, the White House decision to delay the ObamaCare sign-up period said that people just “are not educated on how to use the Internet.”

In related ObamaCare news, HHS Secy Kathleen Sebelius claimed on Wednesday according to Breitbart the Obama Administration decision to rewrite the president’s signature legislative achievement again, this time to delay the ObamaCare open enrollment deadline from the 31 March to mid-April is not really an extension.


Democrats must believe they can say “anything” and one will just believe them because Americans outside the Washington beltway, are just too stupid to know any better.

Image Courtesy: Barbot@Twitter

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, ObamaCare Leaves Your Constituent in Las Vegas Owing $407,000

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Harry Reid Calls Millions of Americans LiarsSenate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) Called ObamaCare Victims Liars
Image Courtesy: Bill Murphy@Twitter

(Las Vegas Review Journal) Senator Harry Reid, your constituent Larry Basich paid his ObamaCare/Nevada Health Link insurance premium in November but as of the 25 February, it still isn’t clear who is covering Basich medical bills?

Basich, a retired civil engineer had triple by-pass surgery on the 03 January and now is left with $407,000 in medical bills for care he received in January and February.

Related: Pastor Diagnosed with Cancer No Compassion with ObamaCare

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Why Would We Fund Cancer Research For Kids?

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Harry Reid Denies Cancer Treatment For ChildrenDemocrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid With a Message for Children With Cancer –Image: Ryan Ojibway/Twitter

(Daily Mail) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) finds himself in embarrassingly hot water today after dismissing the idea of funding children’s cancer research through the government slimdown:

CNN Repoter Dana Bash: “If you can help one child, why won’t you do it?”

Sen Harry Reid: “Why, why, why would we want to do that? I have one thousand people at Nellis Air Force base that are sitting home because of government employee furloughs–they have, they have a few problems of their own.”

On Tuesday, House Democrats blocked stopgap funding bills for veteran affairs programs, national parks and museums and for the City of Washington, DC

Senate Democrats Kill House Spending Bill–Reid Refuses to Attend White House Meeting to Negotiate Compromise With GOP

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Harr Reid Tax HikesSen Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) Uses Procedural Tricks to Raise Taxes on Americans  Image: The Humble Libertarian

(Washington Times) The Senate Democrat Majority voted today 54-46 to kill the House GOP latest stopgap spending measures that would have: (a) delayed implementation of ObamaCare for 1 year; (b) repealed the jobs killing medical device tax and (c) continued to pay the military.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid would have none of it arguing that the House Republicans are nothing more than bullies, “With a bully you can not let them slap you around,” adding that, “we are dealing with anarchists–they hate government—we’ve done everything we can to be fair and reasonable.”


On Sunday, Politico reported that President Obama considered setting down with the Congressional leadership to potentially work out a budget compromise. Sen Reid privately urged Obama to call off that meeting, according to several people familiar with the situation, warning Obama that he would not attend the meeting. Obama scrapped the idea.

Related: Anti-ObamaCare Senate Candidate Breaking Fundraising Record

Democrat Natl Committee is Nearly Broke –CNN Money

Where Oh Where Was Democrat Senate Majority Leader Reid Sunday After the GOP Did Their Job?

Monday, September 30th, 2013

Sen Harry ReidPretty Much Sums Up Sen Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
Image: Stupid America/Twitter

(Politico) The Republican led House of Representatives passed a ‘Continuing Resolution’ early Sunday morning that would fund the government through the 15 December, while delaying implementation of ObamaCare for 1 year, a repeal of the jobs killing medical device tax and provision to pay the military.

Where Oh Where Was Harry Reid All Day Sunday?

If Congress does not having a budget passed and signed by the president into law by 12:00 AM Tuesday 01 October, Democrats would like for Americans to believe that its the Republicans fault, government will shut down and the center of the universe (which Democrats seem to believe is Washington, DC) will cease to exist as we know it.

Sunday, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid most certainly was not in the Senate Chamber and has made it clear that the Senate will not reconvene until Monday at 2:00 PM

So much for the urgency.

Related: Three Defunding Myths –CATO

Uh Oh! More Bad News For President Obama: Columbus, Ohio SEIU Local 1 On-Strike Over ObamaCare

Thursday, September 26th, 2013

SEIU Columbus OhioColumbus, Ohio SEIU Members On Strike Over Cuts as a Result of  ObamaCare –Image: Media Trackers Ohio

(Washington Examiner) Members of the Chicago based ‘Service Employees Intl Union’ (SEIU) Local 1, have gone on-strike over recent job cuts by janitorial company “Professional Maintenance.”

Tyler French SEIU Local 1 Organizing Director told Media Trackers Ohio the company said they had to cut their employees hours due to ObamaCare mandates.

French did not believe ‘Professional Maintenance’ explanation saying, “I think the health care act is the latest excuse that corporations are using to try and save money.”

Other unions have been warning that such actions will be a direct consequence of President Obama’s health care law.

On the 12th July, The Wall Street Journal published a scathing letter from Teamsters President James P Hoffa, Joseph Hansen, Intl President UFCW and D. Taylor, President Unite-Here, to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reminding them that they have been strong supporters for Democrats “In campaign after campaign,” adding that unless changes are made to ObamaCare it “will destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the back bone of the American middle class.”

If that’s not bad enough the Affordable Unaffordable Care Act if not modified will “destroy the very health and well being of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans,” the Teamsters wrote.

Related: Reid to House Speaker Boehner: No Need for Conversations

Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid Predicts Senate Approval of Obama’s War in Syria

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Obama Allies With Syrian Terrorists --Constantine SoriaoObama Endorses Al-Qaeda Terrorist Thugs in Syria –Constantine Soriao

(Politico) Despite recent polling by Gallup released yesterday that shows Americans overwhelmingly do not support taking military action in Syria by a margin of 51% opposed to 36% in favor, 13% unsure, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has predicted that his chamber will ultimately vote in favor of Obama’s war resolution in Syria.

Support for the United States entanglement in Syria is less certain in the Republican majority House of Representatives which may push back on Obama’s resolution authorizing military action by as long as a week, according to a memo by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) sent to GOP lawmakers yesterday.

“Understanding that there are differing opinions on both sides of the aisle, it is up to President Obama to make the case to Congress and the American people that this is the right course of action–Members should expect a robust debate and vote on an authorization of use of military force pertaining to Syria in the next two week,” Cantor wrote in a memo outlining the House Republican’s fall agenda which includes:

  • The Republican led House will take up a stop-gap to keep the federal government open past the 30 September–the end of the fiscal year;
  • Legislation that may raise the debt limit, which would include measures of, “fiscal reforms and pro-growth policies which puts us on a path to balance (the budget) in ten years in exchange for another increase in the debt limit.”
  • Consideration of immigration reform legislation;
  • House bills to dismantle, delay and defund ObamaCare;
  • Enact reforms to the food stamp program;
  • Roll back environmental regulations to promote domestic energy production together with legislation to shift federal money from political conventions to children’s medical research.

More here from The Hill

Obama’s Watch: Gas Prices Surge Towards $5.00 Gallon in Los Angeles

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Gas Prices East L.A.Gasoline Prices East Los Angeles Last Week –Image: Rick/Twitter

(24/7WallStreet) Most of the focus on the rise in gasoline prices caused by a surge in oil prices have been in effect of the march toward $4.00 a gallon–the focus is misplaced, at least to the extent in several regions of the country, most notably California where a gallon of premium gas is expected to surpass $5.00 a gallon.

Where is the outrage by Democrats?

Flashback: Remember in 2008 when then candidate for president Barack Obama blamed President George Bush for high gas prices and claimed they were due to previous failed energy policies or when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) blasted President George Bush for rising gasoline prices-In April, 2008 Sen Majority Ldr Harry Reid (D-NV) echoed Pelosi’s comments claiming that  gasoline prices were “the number one issue facing America today.”

Crickets Chirp…

Related: Consumer Prices Up 0.5% in June on Gas Hike –USA Today

Immigration Bill Has Free ObamaCar’s for Youth’s and PR Handout for Las Vegas Casino’s

Tuesday, June 25th, 2013

Immigration Bill Pork --Lana Wong

(Breitbart) The Washington Examiner’s Byorn York uncovered the new Obama stimulus program that the ‘Gang of 8’ members and other Senate Rino’s have hidden in the new immigration bill as a sweet-heart deal for self-described Socialist Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) one time critic of the legislation.

The original ‘Gang of 8’ bill ended with a section designated Title IV, which was headlined REFORMS FOR NON-IMMIGRANT VISA PROGRAMS. The Hoeven-Corker version of the bill added a Title V  with the headline JOBS FOR YOUTH–this measure would provide $1.5 Billion in the next two years to provide jobs for Americans between the ages 16-24 it was originally pushed by Sen Sanders, who wanted to come to the aid of young people who were “hard hit by the Wall Street recession.” Now Sanders says, immigration reform will further damage youth job prospects.

Breitbart News has also learned about another brazen example of crony capitalism inserted into the ‘so called’ immigration reform bill that has nothing whatsoever to do with immigration or law enforcement.

On page 66 of the re-packaged bill the following provision appears:

CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL PROMOTION–Sec 9(d)(2)(b) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (20 USC 2131(d)(2)(b) is amended by striking “For each of fiscal years 2012 through 2015” and inserting “For each fiscal year after 2012.”

The Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (TPA) allows the Secy of the Treasury to spend up to $100 Million on promoting travel to specific areas of the country. If the provision that Sen Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen Dean Heller (R-NV) inserted into the proposed immigration bill becomes law the TPA would be extended indefinitely.

The Heritage Foundation Jena McNeill wrote in 2009 the ‘Travel Promotion  Act’ creates a government run public relations campaign funded by a tax on international visitors–after the law was passed, the PR campaign touting Las Vegas casinos and other tourist destination in the U.S. using that tax  was rolled into a govt run corporation called “Brand USA.” In October 2012 Jim Demint and Sen Tom Coburn (R-OK) released a report that ‘reveals a history of waste, abuse, patronage and lax oversight’ with the “Brand USA” program and the Dept of Commerce that oversees it.

Tonight the Senate has voted 67 to 27 to limit debate on border surge amendment of the so called 1,200 page+ immigration bill that were now told that a final vote may come within the next week.

Related: Sen Ted Cruz: Immigration Bill Not Designed to Fix the Problem

H/T: Lana Wong

America’s Nanny State Mayor Bloomberg: There’s Times We Should Infringe On Your Freedom

Monday, March 25th, 2013

Michael Bloomberg

(Barracuda Brigade) When visiting NYC, be sure to know that one will need to check your civil liberties at the door–at least as long as America’s Nanny State Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in charge.

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday speaking about his failed soda ban Bloomberg said, ‘I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom…I have a responsibility–to try to make this country safer.’

When asked if he’d be spending big time in next years mid-term elections to target the NRA and Members of Congress for opposing restrictions on Americans rights to keep and bear arms for self-defense, Bloomberg claimed “…I think I have an obligation to that that.”

Last week, FOX News reported that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) dropped a proposed assault weapons ban amid waning Congressional support for the measure.

Bloomberg launched an advertising campaign which begins airing today in a dozen states, targeting Senator’s that may be willing to vote to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens.

More here from NY Daily News