Archive for the ‘Sen. Harry Reid’ Category

Obama, In Over His Head?

Monday, June 21st, 2010

Democrats expect voters not to notice or care if they do notice, that legislators have not passed a budget for next year’s federal spending.

The Pelosi-Reid Leadership Team have gone off the grid of congressional practice and not even pretended to care about spending targets and deficit projections. Humming, “que sere sere” whatever will be will be, they twirl toward Summer Vacation and the November Elections beyond.

President Obama and his Congressional allies expect to be assisted in their casual shuffling off the most basic of Article 1 duties by a Manhattan-Beltway media elite, quick to assure their dwindling audiences that the abandonment of budgeting isn’t completely without precedent. Lefty pundits can and will point to a year or two where the pressures of business ended the hope of a formal budget.

The President’s Pals in the Press will be hard-pressed though, to find any years in which the effort wasn’t even begun and there is no example of a year wherein a deficit like the one the country faces today went unaddressed by a national budget plan.

Rest here by Hugh Hewitt Via The Washington Examiner

Sharron Angle Wins Nevada GOP Primary—Hary Reid Gets Race He Wanted. Be Careful What You Wish For Senator

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

Sharron Angle wins in Nevada, Harry Reid gets the race he wanted–Las Vegas Sun

Be careful what you wish for Harry..According to Real Clear Politics Polling Averages in a two way race, Sharron Angle defeats Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Related Post: Why Women Won by Dick Morris

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid while campaigning for re-election: “I’m not opposed to sex.”

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Las Vegas Sun

Creepy—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV was asked a question on the campaign trail in Carson City, about what he is doing to encourage women to immigrate to the United States?

Senator Harry Reid replied, “Let me answer it this way, I’m not opposed to sex.”

Subsequently Senator Reid gave a “shout-out” to Tiger Woods, who publicly claims that he is battling a sex addiction.

Democrat-Socialists Say Yes, Pelosi & Reid’s Approval Sinks

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV may have pleased their Democrat-Socialist base, a new CBS News Poll shows that Pelosi’s public approval rating stands at 11% and Reid’s approval rating is a mere 8%

Related: New Health Care Taxes helps “Obama Spread the Wealth

Florida & 9 other States to file Constitutional Challenge to block ObamaCare

Tallying ObamaCare’s Broken Promises Via The Weekly Standard

There Is No Time Like The Present To Throw U.S. Senator Robert Menendez Out Of Congress

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

There is no time like the present, New Jersey Tea Party Coalition can proceed in their efforts to recall Sen. Robert Menendez, says State Appellate Court.

More here Via Politico

Related: Democrats mock Tea Party Activists with Twinkies

Pollster says “Throw the Bums Out” Sentiment Brewing in 2010

We Should Fire

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, “…Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good.”

Friday, March 5th, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV upon news that that more Americans are unemployed said “Today is a big day for America, only 36,000 Americans lost their jobs today which is really good.”

Like Sen. Harry Reid—President Obama said that the jobless report is better than expected.


Where are those two million jobs that Obama said that he saved or created?

Related: Jobless rate rose in every state in 2009 Via Charlotte Business Journal

Obama Job Deficit Hits 8.3 Million Via The Heritage Foundation

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, makes excuses for the Abuse of Women

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV said “…Men, when they’re out of work tend to become abusive.”

Chauvinistic and Despicable—Reid is out of touch with society and should resign from office.

More here from The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room

Obama to the Rescue for Harry Reid, hopefully the Hoodoo Continues

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010

Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV look so happy together, on Thursday the duo flies to Nevada for a campaign stop for the embattled Harry Reid, whose personal approval numbers are very low.

Last week the Las Vegas Review Journal reported that Reid, received the worst “unfavorable” rating in the newspaper’s survey for this year election—52% of Registered voters in Nevada, have anĀ  unfavorable opinion of Senator Reid, 33% favorable and another 15% neutral.

Obama to the rescue?

Barack Obama made campaign stops in Massachusetts, Virgina and New Jersey only to see Democrats lose each race in their recent elections.

One has reason to hope that the Obama hoodoo will live on in Nevada.

Related: Las Vegas Mayor, “Obama is not our friend…this President is a real slow learner” Via Breitbart

Obama aims to raise $1 Million Dollars from Nevada Elitists at $30,400 per ticket fund raiser Via Las Vegas Sun

Democrat-Socialists Move Forward On ObamaCare—Canadian Premier Comes to U.S. for Heart Surgery

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Out of touch Democrat-Socialists promise to keep moving ahead on ObamaCare while only 3 out of 10 Americans want Congress to pass health care legislation in its current form and 58% of the respondents oppose ObamaCare in its entirety according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted January 22-24

If the Canadian health care model is so good, why is Newfoundland-Labrador Canadian Premier Danny Williams traveling to the United States next week for heart surgery?

Related: South Carolina House Passes Anti-ObamaCare Resolution Via The Palmetto Scoop

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Apologizes for making “No Negro Dialect” Comment

Saturday, January 9th, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV known for making inappropriate comments, described President Obama as “light skinned…with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.”

Subsequently apologizing, Reid claimed using “such a poor choice of words” and offending any American for his improper comments.

On the 31 August, I wrote here that Sen. Reid told the Las Vegas Review Journal, “I hope you go out of business.” On the 14 August, I wrote here that Harry Reid calledĀ  Townhall Protesters “Evil Mongers” in a speech at an energy conference in Las Vegas and subsequently repeated it.

“A good man out of good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil for the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45 KJV

More here from Yahoo News

Related Post: Obama 2002: The Republican Party has to drive out Trent Lott Via The Weekly Standard