Archive for the ‘Sen. Harry Reid’ Category

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Compares Opponents of ObamaCare to Supporters of Slavery

Monday, December 7th, 2009

Health Care Overhaul

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, accuses opponents of ObamaCare to Supporters of Slavery.

More here from FOX News

In August, I wrote here that Democrat-Socialist Harry Reid called Townhall Protesters “Evil Mongers” Demonizing Americans that were exercising their 1st Amendment Rights.

CBO: Projections Senate ObamaCare Cost’s

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Sentate Health Care Bill Cost Chart

Congressional Budget Office Projections: Senate’s version of ObamaCare $1.8 Trillion Dollars

Senate Republicans released their own cost analysis of Democrat-Socialist Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Socialized Medicine health care bill, price tag $2.5 Trillion Dollars

Senate Republicans Chart depicts the degree of deception Via The Weekly Standard

Related Post: We Pay Them to Lie to Us by John Stossel—Real Clear Politics

Senate ObamaCare R/X—2,074 Pages

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009


Democrat-Socialist Harry Reid has introduced his 2,074 ObamaCare bill estimated to cost a pricey $849 Billion Dollars

Obama: Too much Debt could fuel Double-Dip Recession

Current U.S. Debt $12,039,107,488.00 ViaU.S. Treasury Direct

The Senate bill like the House bill runs more pages than “War and Peace” and has nearly 5 times as many words as the Torah.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV—Finish Line on Health Care Overall Finally in Sight

More here from Politico

Democrat-Socialist Harry Reid, Praying for Votes

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is praying for 60 votes to cut off debate in the Senate in order to utilize the Nuclear Option and pass ObamaCare

Yesterday Senator Joe Lieberman (I-CT) told Reid that he will not support a public option and will back a GOP filibuster even with an “opt-out provision” as it would otherwise create a whole new government entitlement program which the taxpayers will be on the line for.

More here from The Note—ABC News

Harry Reid: Majority Of Americans Don’t Know What Is Good For Them

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

Harry Reid Arrogance

Democrat-Socialist Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, doesn’t believe that he has the 60 votes necessary to avoid a GOP filibuster of ObamaCare which a majority of American are opposed to and may use a procedural move called Reconciliation otherwise known as the “Nuclear Option” to ram the government takeover of health care through the Senate.

Harry Reid must believe that Americans are just too small minded to understand ObamaCare and the Democrat Majority knows what is best for us?

More here from FOX News

Related Posts:

Harry Reid calls ObamaCare Protesters “Evil Mongers”

Harry Reid is Afraid of his own Constituents will hold
“Tele-Townhall Meeting” on the 24 September

Imperial Congress “They’re Back”

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Congress Returns From August Recess

Members of Congress return on Tuesday from their August Recess with polls showing that 2/3 of Americans disapprove of the Imperial Democrat-Socialists under the leadership of Queen Nancy Pelosi, D-CA in the House and Harry Reid, D-NV in the Senate.

Democrat-Socialists have been demonizing their own constituents calling them among other things, “Evil Mongers, Mobsters, Un-American, Thugs and Astro-Turfers”  have not had their best August—it should be little wonder why.

Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-NY even refused to hold a Townhall meeting with her constituents because she doesn’t believe that her constituents ‘deserve them’—Oh My!

Imperial Democrat-Socialist Slaughter said, “I am not doing Townhall meetings. I am not going to give those  people (voters who elected her) a forum…My dignity and the dignity of the office I hold is important to me and I know what that is…”

Should be little surprise that former Clinton Senior Political Advisor Dick Moriss has said that Democrats could lose 100 seats in 2010 during the mid-term elections.

Harry Reid: Kennedy’s Death “Going to help us”

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Kennedy Memorial Nationalized Health Care Bill

Democrat-Socialist Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, addresses Teddy Kennedy’s death in a peculiar way telling the Reno Gazette Journal “I think its going to help us…”

Last week I wrote here that it wasn’t that long ago that Obama’s Chief of Staff said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Using the death of a Senator as an emotional rallying cry, only further demonstrates how desperate Democrat-Socialist have become, attempting to nationalize Americas Health Care system when a majority of Americans oppose ObamaCare according to a recent WSJ/NBC Poll.

Senate Majority Harry Reid to Las Vegas Review Journal: I hope you go out of business.”

Monday, August 31st, 2009

Obama Congress

Following Obama’s election Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California hold a joint press conference.

In February, Harry Reid touts Obama’s Economic Stimulus package as a jobs creator. Nevada where unemployment is 3rd worst in the USA hit 12.7% in July skyrocketing since “Hope-n-Change” took office in January.

Just six months ago Harry Reid wanted to create jobs in Nevada, before addressing a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, Reid tells Bob Brown of the Las Vegas Review Journal “I hope you go out of business.”

Democrat-Socialist Hary Reid has demonized “Tax Day Protesters” calling them Evil Mongers and now wants Nevada’s largest newspaper to go out of business because they disagree with Sen. Reid on political matters.

Related Posts: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Denounces ObamaCare Protesters

Tea Party Express Rolls Into Town
Via Las Vegas Review Journal

Tea Party Express Schedule & Information

H/T: Xiao-Mei—Xiexie