Notice South Carolina RINO Lindsey Graham at SOTU
Archive for the ‘Sen. Ted Cruz’ Category
Principled Sen Ted Cruz, No Fear!
Friday, January 31st, 2014Ted Cruz: Ryan-Murray Budget Deal “Spends More, Taxes More” Continues Funding ObamaCare
Friday, December 13th, 2013(Heritage Action) The ‘Ryan-Murray House Senate Budget Deal’ despite all the rhetoric and praise RINO House Speaker John Boehner may give it and the supposed “deficit reduction” it actually increases spending during the next 2 years by $63 Billion above current law and lives up to none of the promises it makes.
While Ryan-Murray ‘agreement’ purports to produce $23 Billion in deficit reduction it does so by relying on savings (when has this actually ever happened) in 10 years with promises of future spending reductions later as Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) points out:
“The new budget deal–spends more, taxes more and allows for continued funding of ObamaCare…This proposal undoes the sequester modest reforms and pushes us two steps back, deeper into debt. Supporters of this plan are asking for more spending now in exchange for minor changes that may possibly reduce spending later.”
When have we heard this before?
Back in 2011 the National Review reminds us that back in 1982 President Reagan, agreed to $3.00 in spending cuts for every $1.00 in tax hikes–promised spending cuts are illusionary and after awhile, they are forgotten about and all that remains is higher taxes on Americans.
Thomas Paine writing in 1791 in the ‘Rights of Men’ pointed out: “It is a general rule that when taxes are once laid they are never taken off.”
We haven’t learned much during the past 222 years.
Related: Spending Deal Strips Key Protection for Senate Minority Rights
Congress Flooded With Calls to Defund ObamaCare Following Texas Senator Ted Cruz Historic Session
Thursday, September 26th, 2013(WND) Following the epic 21 hour discussion by Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) supporting the defunding of ObamaCare, voters made so many phone calls to establishment Republicans that either their phone lines melted or they took their phones off the hook.
Even in the age of digital wizardry and limitless voice mails, Constituents could not get through to at all with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) a message said the ‘Senator was experiencing a high volume of phone calls’ and directed the public to call back later or visit his website.
It was the same story with RINO Sen John McCain (R-AZ) callers got a message that his mailbox was full.
Callers to Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) also got a message that the line was busy but at least those callers were sent to his voicemail.
Rep Peter King (R-NY) who called Senator Cruz a ‘fraud’ for his Yeoman efforts to defund ObamaCare said today that supporters of the Texas Senator have been bombarding his office with ‘vile’ phone calls:
“The vehemence of the phone calls coming into the office–I don’t care, people can call me whatever they want…I haven’t heard such vile, profane, obscene language…I’m not saying Ted Cruz is responsible for all his supporters but he has tapped into a dark strain here in the American political psyche here and again, the most obscene, profane stuff you can imagine all from people who say they support the Constitution–I think what we have to do is reach out to his people and let them know they are following a false leader,” Rep King said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” this morning.
Senator’s Ted Cruz & Mike Lee (R-UT) have collected more than 1.8 Million signatures on their online petition Dont Fund ObamaCare site.
Following Sen Ted Cruz’s marathon address and colloquy with other Senator’s Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, Sen Mike Lee’s Communications Director Brian Phillips told World Net Daily “Its up to the American people now if they want their Senator to vote the right way, their Senator has to hear from them.”
In related news, The Weekly Standard reports Democrat West Virginia Sen Joe Manchin, has broke ranks with colleagues and says that he will support a delay in ObamaCare’s individual mandate.
Related: Sen Mike Lee: GOP Has the Votes to Stop ObamaCare Funding
New ObamaCare Delay in Small Business Exchanges
Treasury Inspector General: IRS Loses $67 Million from ACA Slush Fund
I Support Senator Cruz: Go Ted Go!
Wednesday, September 25th, 2013(Monica Memo) Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) took to the Senate Floor on Tuesday at 11:41 AM PDT promising to fight against ‘socialized medicine’ commonly referred to as ObamaCare until he “could no longer stand” 18 hours later he is still there fighting for America and Liberty with the assists from Senators: Mike Lee (R-UT) Rand Paul (R-KY) Marco Rubio (R-FL) Pat Roberts (R-KS) Jim Inhofe (R-OK) David Vitter (R-LA) and Michael Enzi (R-WY)
Amazing how time flies when you’re standing on principle (I’ve had the ‘discussion’ on since its started, its been time well spent)
Democrats and their minions are mocking Cruz, take for example (All the News That’s Fit to Print–ROFLOL) Witness today’s editorial in the NY Times entitled “The Embarrassment of Ted Cruz” they were not “embarrassed” for Texas State Senator Wendy Davis when she filibustered a bill that protected unborn babies after 20 weeks. This is how the Left thinks–the abortion cult of death: Yay! Individual liberty and economic freedom: Boo!
We expect this from the Democrats and the Left–What is particularly shameful is the treatment of Cruz by so many of his fellow Republicans. Please take a moment to call, email or tweet the Senators above and thank them for standing with Cruz and not surrendering the country to socialized medicine.
As for the other Senators…All Of Them, please call, email or tweet them and politely let them know that you support Ted Cruz and the effort to defund ObamaCare–tell them to vote “No” on Cloture, otherwise they will be voting to FOR ObamaCare and we’ll be watching what they do.
The Capitol Hill Switchboard is 202-224-3121 ask the Operator for your Senators office.
Sen Ted Cruz Courageously Takes on Washington Establishment to Filibuster ObamaCare
Tuesday, September 24th, 2013(C-Span) Watch Sen Ted Cruz live on Senate floor, courageously taking on the Washington establishment to filibuster ObamaCare.
Related: House GOP Majority May Vote on Delay of Individual Mandate
Dear Members of Congress: Don’t Fund ObamaCare
Saturday, July 27th, 2013Sen Ted Cruz Tweets: Like This License Plate?
Monday, July 8th, 2013Immigration Bill Has Free ObamaCar’s for Youth’s and PR Handout for Las Vegas Casino’s
Tuesday, June 25th, 2013(Breitbart) The Washington Examiner’s Byorn York uncovered the new Obama stimulus program that the ‘Gang of 8’ members and other Senate Rino’s have hidden in the new immigration bill as a sweet-heart deal for self-described Socialist Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) one time critic of the legislation.
The original ‘Gang of 8’ bill ended with a section designated Title IV, which was headlined REFORMS FOR NON-IMMIGRANT VISA PROGRAMS. The Hoeven-Corker version of the bill added a Title V with the headline JOBS FOR YOUTH–this measure would provide $1.5 Billion in the next two years to provide jobs for Americans between the ages 16-24 it was originally pushed by Sen Sanders, who wanted to come to the aid of young people who were “hard hit by the Wall Street recession.” Now Sanders says, immigration reform will further damage youth job prospects.
Breitbart News has also learned about another brazen example of crony capitalism inserted into the ‘so called’ immigration reform bill that has nothing whatsoever to do with immigration or law enforcement.
On page 66 of the re-packaged bill the following provision appears:
CORPORATION FOR TRAVEL PROMOTION–Sec 9(d)(2)(b) of the Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (20 USC 2131(d)(2)(b) is amended by striking “For each of fiscal years 2012 through 2015” and inserting “For each fiscal year after 2012.”
The Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (TPA) allows the Secy of the Treasury to spend up to $100 Million on promoting travel to specific areas of the country. If the provision that Sen Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Sen Dean Heller (R-NV) inserted into the proposed immigration bill becomes law the TPA would be extended indefinitely.
The Heritage Foundation Jena McNeill wrote in 2009 the ‘Travel Promotion Act’ creates a government run public relations campaign funded by a tax on international visitors–after the law was passed, the PR campaign touting Las Vegas casinos and other tourist destination in the U.S. using that tax was rolled into a govt run corporation called “Brand USA.” In October 2012 Jim Demint and Sen Tom Coburn (R-OK) released a report that ‘reveals a history of waste, abuse, patronage and lax oversight’ with the “Brand USA” program and the Dept of Commerce that oversees it.
Tonight the Senate has voted 67 to 27 to limit debate on border surge amendment of the so called 1,200 page+ immigration bill that were now told that a final vote may come within the next week.
Related: Sen Ted Cruz: Immigration Bill Not Designed to Fix the Problem
H/T: Lana Wong
Imprimis: The Miracle of Freedom by Sen Ted Cruz
Friday, June 21st, 2013(Imprimis/Hillsdale College) The following is adapted from a speech delivered by Sen Ted Cruz, (R-TX) at Hillsdale College’s 161st Commencement 11 May, 2013
Today is a day of celebration. For you graduates, its a day to celebrate your hard work, your commitment, time, energy passion and prayers that you have put in to graduate from Hillsdale College. It’s also a day to celebrate the sacrifice and dedication your family has put in to get you here.
I am honored to join you today but let me say, I fully recognize the most forgettable part of this important day is going to be the politician delivering your commencement address.
This morning I had the opportunity to tour your wonderful campus and one of the highlights for me was the statue of Margret Thatcher. I understand that when the statue was unveiled, she sent a letter of praise that read: “Hillsdale College symbolizes everything that is good and true in America. You uphold the principles and cherish the values which have made your country a beacon of hope.” I couldn’t agree more.
There are commencements being held on campuses all over the country this Spring but this one is different. Hillsdale, it is known across the country, is in a class by itself.
Those graduating from other colleges are being told to go out and make something of themselves but for the Men and Women receiving their degrees today, expectations are higher because of the education you received here, you are uniquely prepared to provide desperately needed, principled leadership to your families, your churches, your communities, your country and your fellow man.
While other graduates have been exposed to college courses such as ‘Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame’ you have been grounded in an understanding of our Constitution and of the freedom it was designed to preserve.
Last month the world lost Baroness Thatcher and in her honor, I’d like to spend a few minutes discussing with you, “The Miracle of Freedom…”
Rest here from Imprimis, May/June, 2013