Michelle Obama Standing in Place Doing Tai-Chi Her Way in Chengdu
Image: Karson Yiu@Twitter
Michelle Obama Visits an English Class in China, Sichuan Privince
Image: Nerdy Wonka@Twitter
(Weekly Standard) Michelle Obama vacationing in China with her family at taxpayers expense today visited a school and warned students that not everything is perfect in America saying:
“There have been times in our history where we have fallen short. Many years ago, there were actually laws in America that allowed discrimination against black people like me, who are a minority in the United States but over time, ordinary citizens decided that those laws were unfair, so they held peaceful protests and marches (if Michelle O believes the Civil War was nothing more than a ‘peaceful protest and march’ I digress) they called on government officials to change those laws and they voted to elect new officials who shared their views.”
Michelle Obama in her revisionist history lesson today, failed to mention that now in America thanks in large measure of her husband, that we have adopted a new form of Slavery…
That now is $17.543 Trillion
**Editor’s Note** While Michelle Obama, may have been speaking about the ‘Civil Rights’ movement, that still wasn’t a time of “peaceful protests and marches” and irregardless, Michelle Obama is in China, mooching off the American taxpayers and bashing America–again.
Related: Democrats Filibustered 1964 Civil Rights Act -Gateway Pundit