(VOA) ISIS Jihadist Hack U.S. Central Command Twitter Account
Image: ITV News
Flashback: Remember in December when Democrat presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton claimed that America must ’empathize’ with our enemies.
(VOA) ISIS Jihadist Hack U.S. Central Command Twitter Account
Image: ITV News
Flashback: Remember in December when Democrat presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton claimed that America must ’empathize’ with our enemies.
Anjem Choudary@Twitter ” Tweets from a Free, Democratic and Secular Country, Wanting Good Things for Himself, Just Not for You”
Courtesy– Lolo Gray@Twitter
UK Islamic Jihad Apologists Tweets on Paris Massacre
Via: Exlab@Twitter: ‘Anjem, You Looked So Much Happier and Fun
Back in Your Youthful Days — Before Becoming a Mooslim
Dear ISIS: Je Suis Charlie –Image Courtesy: BeachZoOmer@Twitter
Take This
ISIS Muslim Oink Oink… –Image: Von Schenk@Twitter
A Woman Walks Inside a Damaged Church in Syria Maaloula
Images: U.S. Dept of State@Twitter
A Woman Prays Inside a Damaged Church in Syria, Maaloula
(RUDAW) ISIS Jihadists blew up a Catholic Church in the al-Arabi district of Iraq, Mosul said Rev Behnam Raad: “Members of the extremist organization (ISIS) cleared the Church of Virgin Mary of its contents north of Mosul and blew it up after a few hours.”
Local sources told RUDAW News, that ISIS sealed off the Church and planted the bombs last Thursday–Christmas Day.
Earlier this month, I wrote here that ISIS reportedly are turning some Churches into prisons, stripping them of their priceless artifacts and sexually brutalizing Woman.
On the 10 August, I wrote here that Father Nawar, a Catholic Priest from Iraq, Nineveh (once considered the Christian capitol of the country until the Kurdish military was forced to withdraw and it fell to ISIS Thugs) told Catholic News Agency “Today the story of Christianity is finished in Iraq People can’t stay because there is death everywhere.”
Related: ISIS Threatens Iraq’s Priceless Cultural Heritage –CNN
In Iraq, Christmas Traditions Found Only in Memory –NY Times
H/T: Shoebat.com