(FOX News) Secy of State John Kerry Claims the Obama Administration Is Not at War With ISIS –Image: Feisty*Floridian@Twitter
So lets see if I understand this now: Obama wants Congress to authorize spending $500 Million to train Syrian rebels to defeat ISIS (which he claims are not really Muslim but which the “I” in their name stands for Islamic) which were now supposedly not at war with but which Obama declared last evening the United States will strike them wherever they exist through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy with a ‘broad coalition of partners’ which now appears has no clearly defined mission.
Yesterday I wrote here that ISIS has declared war on the United States and the West and its their intentions to raise its flag over the U.S. Capitol–the Obama Administration doesn’t get to decide who declares war on the United States and when but it is Obama’s Constitutional duty, to protect Americans from all foreign enemies, no matter how unprepared he is.
Why don’t I feel any safer now that the Obama Administration appears incapable to identify enemies of the United States that have murdered Americans?
Thank God, Obama wasn’t president during WW II declaring that Nazi’s were not really fascists and announcing to the Third Reich what the strategy of the United States was in defeating managing them.