Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

ISIS Jihadist Posts 9/11 Style Video Threat to U.S.

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

ISIS ThreatISIS Jihadist Makes 9/11 Style Video Threat to the U.S.

Muslim Cleric Justifies Islamic State Beheading of American Journalist James Foley

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Islam Jihadist(Jihad Watch) Muslim Cleric Justifies Islamic State’ Beheadings: “Islam is a Religion of Beheading” –Image Courtesy: Leonard Tannas

Prominent Muslim Cleric Hussein bin Mahmoud invokes Quran 47:4 “When you meet unbelievers, strike the necks…”

In a recent article, Islamic Cleric Hussein bin Mahmoud, expressed support for the gruesome beheading of American Journalist James Foley saying, that beheading is an effective way to terrorize the enemies of Islam and stressed under Islamic law, Foley was a ‘harbi’ a non-Muslim whose life was not protected by an agreement of protection, arguing further that Islam allows and encourages such acts, since it is a religion of war and fighting.

More here from Pam Geller

82 Year Old North London Woman Beheaded While Gardening By Muslim Savage With a Machete

Friday, September 5th, 2014

UK Woman Beheaded(The Sun) Yet Another Innocent Person Beheaded by Islamic Thug

One day after the gruesome beading of American Journalist Steven Sotloff, an 82 yr old Italian Senior Palmira Silva, has had her head chopped off while gardening in her Edmonton backyard in broad daylight.

According to The Telegraph a 25 yr old Muslim man with a machete, subsequently was taken into custody by police for this horrific crime.

More here from Pam Geller

CAIR Tells Americans Not to Spread Islamophobia in Wake of Latest Beheading

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

CAIR Just Like You

(CAIR Press Release) Following the latest ISIS beheading of American Journalist Steven Sotloff CAIR issued the following statement:

“During these difficult days the USCMO (U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations) reminds the public to avoid spreading Islamophobia by using the actions of ISIS to characterize and demonize all Muslims, globally and here in the United States.”

Whatever may give Americans any idea that CAIR  is really not in the best position to make such a request–given its long and undistinguished history of supporting Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs.

CAIR-HamasCAIR Leaders Convicted of Jihad Terror Related Crimes –Truth Revolt

H/T: Weasel Zippers

VP Joe Biden: “We’ll Follow ISIS to the Gates of Hell…” Uhm, Then Why Won’t You Follow Them Into Syria?

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Biden ISISUhm, Then Why Won’t the Obama Administration Follow the ISIS Jihad Savages Into Syria and Kill Them?
Image Courtesy: FOX News/Outnumbered@Twitter

Obama Says Its His Policy To “Manage the Problem” With ISIS Jihadists

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Steven SotloffHow Pray Tell Do You ‘Manage the Problem’ of Americans Being Executed by Islamic Jihadist Thugs Mr. Obama? –Image: StatealIslam@Twitter

(FOX News) President Obama’s Convoluted Foreign Policy: Vows to Destroy & Make ISIS Manageable


ISIS Executes Second American Journalist Steven Sotloff; Remember When Obama Said It’s His Responsibility “To Keep the American People Safe”

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

ISIS State Media(Daily Mail) ISIS Executes Second American Journalist Steven Sotloff
Akhbar Mujahid@Twitter

Obama Ended Iraq WarFlashback: Remember When Obama Claimed It’s His Responsibility to Keep Americans Safe (He Failed) Which is Why he Ended the War in Iraq That Obama Later Claimed Wasn’t his Decision

ISIS State Media...(WaPo) ISIS Threatens to Execute British Aid Worker David Haines Next
Akhbar Mujahid@Twitter

China Executes Islamic Jihadists in Xinjiang, If Only Obama Would Act So Swiftly and Decisively

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

China Islamic JihadistsChina Urumqi Sentenced Islamic Terrorists to Death in June for Planning the 28 October, 2013 Tiananmen Terrorist Attack –Image: Sinosphere

(NY Times) China authorities in Xinjiang reported that eight people have been executed on charges related to last years terrorist attack at Tiananmen Square, which a car had plowed through tourists, erupting into flames killing three and injuring thirty nine others.

More than two years has now passed since ‘admitted’ Ft Hood Islamic Jihadist Nidal Hasan was convicted and sentenced to death for the November, 2009 shooting rampage that left 13 dead and 31 injured, which Obama to this day labels as workplace violence instead of calling it what it is.

If only the United States and the Obama Administration would act as swiftly and decisively when it comes to ‘admitted’ and subsequently convicted Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs that murder Americans.

Religion of Peace??? Islam=Nazism: Remember When Obama Praised Islam as a ‘Great Religion’

Monday, September 1st, 2014

Islam NazismIslam=Nazism –Image: Abu Intifada@Twitter

AntisemitismIslam Teaches Children Antisemitism –Image: Abu Intifada@Twitter

Flashback: Remember 5 Yrs Ago Today When Obama Praised Islam as a ‘Great Religion’

ISIS Burning Crosses Threatening Lebanese Christians, Where’s the Moral Outrage by Obama, Liberal Left and Network Media?

Sunday, August 31st, 2014

ISIS Cross BurningISIS Burning Crosses Now Threatening Lebanese Christians
Marco Dentoo@Twitter

(NewsBusters) Networks continue to remain mostly silent as ISIS continues ‘Convert to Islam or Die’ oppression of Christians.

On the 22 July, I wrote here what if Christians were demanding that Muslims Convert to Christianity or Die–Where’s the moral outrage by Obama, the Liberal Left or Network Media?

Related: ISIS Ultimatum to Iraq Christians ‘One Week’ to Convert or Die

Canadian Convert to Islam: Christians Must Convert or Face the Sword