This Is Islam –Image Courtesy: Ask Dr Brown
Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category
This is Islam: Fanatical, Intolerant, Misogynist, Genocidal Terrorist Religion
Saturday, August 30th, 2014I Hope the NSA is Paying Attention and Doesn’t Miss This ISIS/Islamic Jihad Terrorist Conference
Thursday, August 28th, 2014The NSA Monitors Everyone These Days I Sure Hope They Don’t Miss This Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs Conference –Image: Shaikh Faisal@Twitter
Joint Chiefs Chairman Says ISIS Not a Threat to U.S. ISIS Jihadists Threatens to Kill 3 More Americans and Ignite Arson Fires
Wednesday, August 27th, 2014ISIS Jihadist Admits They’re Use Sleeper Cells–What is Obama Doing to Protect Americans? –Image: Insurgent@Twiiter
ISIS Jihadist Threatening to Murder 3 More Americans They’ve Abducted
(FOX News) Despite threats to the contrary, the Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff Martin Dempsey, insists that ISIS is only a regional threat and said that he will not recommend Obama take military action against it until he determines they have become a threat to the United States.
Gen Dempsey speaking to reporters on-board a military aircraft traveling to Afghanistan Sunday said, that he believes the ISIS is not currently plotting or planning attacks against the United States or Europe.
ISIS Arson Threat in the United States Appears to Contradict the Intelligence General Dempsey is Receiving –Image: Aligps9@Twitter
Burn in Hell American Traitor Douglas M. McCain
Tuesday, August 26th, 2014Loony Liberal Lefty Alan Colmes: Calling ISIS Evil Helps Terrorists and Overstated, Tell That to the Parents of American Journalist’s James Foley & Steven Sotloff
Monday, August 25th, 2014Alan Colmes and The NY Times Claims Many are Overreacting About ISIS
ISIS Cold Blooded Jihadist Murdered American Journalist James Foley
ISIS Cold Blooded Jihadist Threatens to Behead American
Journalist Steven Sotloff