Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

This is Islam: Fanatical, Intolerant, Misogynist, Genocidal Terrorist Religion

Saturday, August 30th, 2014

Islam Religion of PeaceThis Is Islam –Image Courtesy: Ask Dr Brown

H/T: Fred Lawhorn@Facebook

While Obama Has No Strategy Yet for Dealing With ISIS–Captured ISIS Laptop Contains Bubonic Plague Documents, Recipes & WMD Information

Friday, August 29th, 2014

ISIS ThreatISIS Threatening American Steven Sotloff –Image: aboalzobaer

ISIS Threat White HouseISIS Claims to Already be in the U.S. –Image: gef@Twitter

Message from ISIS to US#AmessagefromISIStoUS –Image: Shamalmalahem Media@Twitter

(WND) A captured ISIS laptop computer found in January in a closed building that ISIS fled contains bubonic plague recipes  and information on weapons of mass destruction–the laptop contains a total of 35,347 files in 2,367 folders.

These include documents in French, Arabic and English together with videos of Osama bin-Laden and instructions for Jihad, stealing vehicles, making bombs and disguises.

Yesterday I wrote here that Obama told the world during a presidential news conference on Thursday that he doesn’t have a strategy yet for dealing with ISIS however still has time to attend 3 Democrat fundraisers today, while American lives and our national security are being threatened by Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs.

Obama NYObama Waves to Resident in New Rochelle, NY  Where He’s Attending a DNC Fundraiser –Image: TalkoftheSoundTwitter

More here from Breibart

Obama Doctrine: Doesn’t Have a Strategy for Dealing With ISIS–Yet Will Attend Three Democrat Fundraisers Friday

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Obama No StrategyObama Says He Doesn’t Have a Strategy for Dealing With ISIS However There’s Always Time to for More DNC Fundraisers –Image: FOX News

(Democrat & Chronicle) Fresh off from his vacation in Martha’s Vinyard, Obama is scheduled to attend three Democratic fundraisers on Friday.

Investment Banker Robert Wolf of Purchase, one of Obama’s biggest money backers on Wall Street is hosting one of two $32,400 per person Democratic Fundraisers in Westchester, NY for some 250 people–the second DNC fundraiser scheduled is to be a $32,400 per person round-table style event in New Rochelle, NY for some 25 people.

Obama is later scheduled to attend a third fundraiser in Rhode Island that will benefit the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

I Hope the NSA is Paying Attention and Doesn’t Miss This ISIS/Islamic Jihad Terrorist Conference

Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Islamic Jihad ConferenceThe NSA Monitors Everyone These Days I Sure Hope They Don’t Miss This Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs Conference –Image: Shaikh Faisal@Twitter

Joint Chiefs Chairman Says ISIS Not a Threat to U.S. ISIS Jihadists Threatens to Kill 3 More Americans and Ignite Arson Fires

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

ISIS Admits It Uses Sleeper CellsISIS Jihadist Admits They’re Use Sleeper Cells–What is Obama Doing to Protect Americans?  –Image: Insurgent@Twiiter

ISIS Jihadist Threatening AmericansISIS Jihadist Threatening to Murder 3 More Americans They’ve Abducted

(FOX News) Despite threats to the contrary, the Chairman of the Joint Chief’s of Staff Martin Dempsey, insists that ISIS is only a regional threat and said that he will not recommend Obama take military action against it until he determines they have become a threat to the United States.

Gen Dempsey speaking to reporters on-board a military aircraft traveling to Afghanistan Sunday said, that he believes the ISIS is not currently plotting or planning attacks against the United States or Europe.

ISIS Threat to AmericaISIS Arson Threat in the United States Appears to Contradict the Intelligence General Dempsey is Receiving –Image: Aligps9@Twitter

Burn in Hell American Traitor Douglas M. McCain

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

Douglas McArthur McCainBurn in Hell Traitor –Image: Via Twitter

Related: American Traitor Douglas M. McCain Dies Fighting for ISIS –CNN

Obama’s White House Press Secy Josh Earnest Now Claims JV Gaffe Wasn’t About ISIS

Monday, August 25th, 2014

ISIS Threat to USA...ISIS Using Murdered American Journalist in Latest Propaganda War

(Business Insider) In a January interview with The New Yorker Magazine,  in which Obama dismissed ISIS Jihadists as a “JV Team”  White House Press Secy Josh Earnest rejected this interpretation of Obama’s remarks and attempted to clarify them:

“Its important that we don’t sort of shorthand the analogy the president was trying to draw here.”

During the January interview Obama told The New Yorker Editor David Remnick, “The analogy that we use around here sometimes I think is accurate, is if a JV team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of (Osama) bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus Jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

ISIS Threat to USAISIS Threatening All Americans in Latest Propaganda Campaign: #StevensHeadinObamasHands –Image: yser9@Twitter

More here from Breitbart

Obama Sends More White House Officials to Ferguson Teenage Thug Michael Brown’s Funeral Than to Margaret Thatcher’s or James Foley’s

Monday, August 25th, 2014

RIP James Foley(FOX News) The Obama Administration sent three White House Officials to the funeral of Ferguson, Missouri Teenage Thug Michael Brown today–three more than it sent to Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s or to Sunday’s Memorial Mass for American Journalist James Foley, murdered by an Islamic Jihadist last week.

Definitely shows where Obama’s priorities are.

More here from CNS News

Loony Liberal Lefty Alan Colmes: Calling ISIS Evil Helps Terrorists and Overstated, Tell That to the Parents of American Journalist’s James Foley & Steven Sotloff

Monday, August 25th, 2014

Allan Colmes FOX NewsAlan Colmes and The NY Times Claims Many are Overreacting About ISIS

ISIS Beheading...ISIS Cold Blooded Jihadist Murdered American Journalist James Foley

Steven SotloffISIS Cold Blooded Jihadist Threatens to Behead American
Journalist Steven Sotloff

Obama Foreign Policy Cartoon of the Day

Sunday, August 24th, 2014

Obama Cartoon of the DayBHO Foreign Policy Cartoon of the Day –Image: Milk & Cookies@Twitter