Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

Islamic Jihad Virus Spreading: Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood Attempt to Blockade Israel Ship in Long Beach

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Hamas Apologists(Breitbart) Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Attempt to Blockade
Israel Ship in Long Beach –Image:
Adam Milstein

Surprise Not: Hamas Denied It Broke Another Ceasefire Despite the Photographic Evidence

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Hamas Rocket FireHamas Claims There Were No Rockets Were Fired From Gaza Into Israel

(JPost) While a picture is worth a thousand words–Hamas denied on Wednesday, that any rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel.


Spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said Hamas “denies there was any rocket fire at the occupation this evening,” (referring to Israel) the rocket fire was reported two hours before the expiration of a three day ceasefire.

Hundreds Attend Memorial Service in Visalia, California for American Hero PFC Keith Williams

Monday, August 11th, 2014

PFC Keith WilliamsRIP American Hero PFC Keith Williams Killed-in-Action Afghanistan

(Stars and Strpies) Standing above the flag draped casket of her 19 yr old Godson PFC Keith Williams, Rebecca Mueller tearfully removed her sweater and turned to show a sea of hundreds her long red cape.

Mueller knew that PFC Williams would be watching his weekend memorial service and she wanted to do something for him, proudly displaying her long red cape, met with applause, laughter and tears as she proclaimed the Visalia Hero, “You’re my Superman.”

According to the LA Times PFC Williams and another soldier, Staff Sgt Benjamin Prange of Hickman, Nebraska were killed-in-action in Afghanistan, Kandahar Province in July, when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb.

“As soon as I saw the Chaplain, I knew it, I knew my Son was gone,” Frank Williams a retired Navy veteran told the Visalia Times-Delta. “We had just sent him a care package with jerky and some snacks. He loved getting that stuff. He was such a fun-loving person who enjoyed life.”

Williams sister Chelesa Sestini told the Fresno Bee, that her brother loved his country and wanted to help protect it, even if it meant risking his life.”

RIP American Hero PFC Keith Williams,
May God Forever Bless Your Family & Friends

While Obama Takes Another Vacation…ISIS Continues Its March Through Iraq and Again Threatens the United States

Sunday, August 10th, 2014

Obama on Vacation

While Obama Takes Another Vacation… Image: Paula Cummings

(Washington Examiner) There is one word Obama uses a lot in his arguments for tightly limiting military action in Iraq–the word is: Lid

  • “Our military is so effective that we can keep a ‘lid’ on problems wherever we are.”  Riiiight…

Obama BenghaziU.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, Glenn Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods Wouldn’t Agree With Obama’s “Lid” Theory–I Digress…

  • “Our military is so capable, that if we put everything we have into it we can keep a ‘lid’ on a problem for a time but for a society to function long term, the people themselves have to make decisions about how they are going to live together.” Obama said in a NY Times interview published this weekend.
  • “We’re not going to allow ourselves to be dragged back into a situation in which, while we’re there, we’re keeping a ‘lid’ on things,” Obama said in a 13 June statement.

While Obama vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard remains aloof and disengaged from the real work of being President during his 28th golf outing this year and 185th of his presidency Beitbart is reporting today, that ISIS buried 500 Yazidis alive and has taken hundreds of girls as slaves or trophies in Northern Iraq.

Likewise ISIS has just Tweeted that it has now taken over Jalawla from the Kurds on its march to Baghdad.

In July, Israel’s Homeland Security reported of the estimated 10,000 foreign fighters that have already joined the Islamic Jihadists in Syria and Iraq, 3000 hold European or Western passports–100 hold U.S. passports. What has Obama done before going on vacation again, to protect the United States from these Jihadists with U.S. passports returning to the states and engaging in acts of terrorism? 

ISIS Threats USAISIS Makes Another 9/11 Style Threat
Assad Alquds008@Twitter

How many more Americans have to die before Obama stops making speeches, attending Democratic fundraisers, golfing and does the job he was elected to do as Commander-in-Chief, taking the fight to the enemies of the United States before they attack us again?

Catholic Priest from Nineveh: Christianity is Finished in Iraq

Sunday, August 10th, 2014

Christians Murdered in IraqChristian Genocide in the Middle East–ISIS to Christians: Convert or Die

(CNA) Fr. Nawar, a Catholic Priest from Nineveh told Catholic News Agency, “People can’t stay in Iraq because there is death for whoever stays.”

Fr. Nawar originally from the Iraqi city of Qaraqosh (Bakhdida) on the plains of Nineveh which was considered  the Christian capitol of the country until the Kurdish military were forced to withdraw–fell to ISIS Jihadists earlier this month, since then, more than 100,000 Christians have fled the city, many taking with them nothing but the clothes on their back.

Flashback: Remember in December, 2011 when Obama claimed, “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.”

Obama either lied to the American people and the world or is just so naive and self-delusional that he actually believed his own rhetoric.

Related: ISIS Persecution of Christians is Genocide -The Guardian

The Invisible Face of Hamas: What the Jihadists Don’t Want You to Know And Will Keep You From Finding Out

Sunday, August 10th, 2014

This is Hamas(IDF) The Invisible Face of Hamas

Despite the large number of international journalists’ reporting from Gaza during Operation Protective Edge images of Hamas terrorists have scarcely appeared in media reports–this is primarily because Hamas threatens journalists who don’t tell the story the way Hamas wants it to be told.

Hamas Facebook PostHamas Facebook Post to Palestinians Asking Them to Refrain from Disseminating Information About Islamic Jihadist Terrorists Casualties

The Face of Hamas

The French newspaper Liberation published an article about French-Palestinian journalist Radjaa Abu Dagga, who was summoned for an interrogation by Hamas whose office was inside Shifa Hospital Abu Dagga reported that the Islamic Terrorists were all well dressed “in civilian clothing with a gun under ones shirt and some had walkie-talkies.”

The Islamic terrorists accused Abu Dugga of working for the Palestinian Authority or Israel and then ordered him to leave Gaza immediately without his papers. Abu Dugga subsequently asked Liberation to remove the article for unknown reasons.

Related: Videos: Hamas Booby Traps in Palestinian Houses

France 24 Reports: Hamas Placed Rocket Launchers Next to UN Facility

Obama Now Claims That It Wasn’t His Decision to Withdraw Troops From Iraq

Saturday, August 9th, 2014

Obama Iraq...(Market Watch) Obama Now Says “As If This Was My Decision” to Withdraw American Troops From Iraq –Image: Vigilant Veteran@Twitter

ISIS Exports Terrorism to Gaza, Will Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem Continue to Condemn Israel?

Friday, August 8th, 2014

ISIS in GazaISIS Website Claims Exporting Terrorism to Gaza–Will Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem Continue to Condemn IDF Operations in Gaza?

Next Generation of ISIS JihadistsTeaching Children to Hate: ISIS@Twitter Says These Kids Are the Next Generation of Jihadists

ISIS Propaganda Islamic Propaganda: ISIS Claims “Bullet Doesn’t Harm Mujahid in a Recent Battle in Dier Ez Zour, Syria–the Mujahid is Perfectly Fine

Related: ISIS Raping Women, Then Selling Them-Crucifying Children

Surprised? Not! Hamas Breaks Another Ceasefire, Fires Rockets Into Southern Israel

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Hamas Breaks CeasefireHamas Breaks Ceasefire Fires Rockets Into Israel –Image: TGC

Hamas Breaks Ceasefire...Surprise: Hamas Breaks Another Ceasefire With Israel — Weasel Zippers

(Arutz Sheva) Hamas fired rockets into Southern Israel early Friday morning, breaking the agreed to 72 hour ceasefire which was scheduled to expire at 8:00 AM local time.

The “Red Alert” incoming rocket siren was heard in Eshkol region of Southern Israel shortly after 4:00 AM Friday morning.

ISIS Threatens the United States, Will Obama Remain a Bystander?

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

ISIS Threatens the U.S.ISIS Threatens March Towards Washington–What’s Obama’s Plan Now?
Keeping the Leith@Twitter

(Gateway Pundit) ISIS Video: “It Will Not Stop Until We Raise Flag of Mohamed in the White House”