Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

Obama Dithers on Iraq as ISIS Jihadists Commit Human Rights Violations & Genocide

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Obama Iraq Policy(Front Page) Obama Dithering on Iraq –Image: Barracuda Brigade

ISIS Jihadist Announces Marriage to 7 Yr OldISIS Jihadist Announces Marriage to Frightened 7 Yr Old Girl

ISIS Teaching Children To HateISIS Teaching Children to Hate –Image: RAED@Twitter

What Islamic Kids LearningWhat Islamic Kids Learn and Play –Image: Joy Keller@Twitter

Children Acting Out ISIS AtrocitiesChildren Learning to Act Out ISIS Atrocities –Image: Zahraa@Twitter

ISIS GenocideISIS Genocide of Christians in Iraq & Syria
Golden Eagle Patriots@Twitter

ISIS Genocide...While Some Condemn Israel in Gaza Those Same “Do-Gooders” Are Silent About ISIS Genocide –Image: Tommaso@Twitter

Captured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Using Human Shields

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

Hamas Use of Human ShieldsHamas Use of Civilians as Human Shields –Image: Israel MFA

(IDF) Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operating in the Gaza Strip found a manual on “Urban Warfare” which belonged to the Shuja’iya Brigade of Hamas’s military wing the Al-Qassam Brigades–the manual explains how the civilian population can be used against IDF and reveals that Hamas knows the IDF is committed to minimizing harm to civilians.

Hamas ManualCaptured Hamas Combat Manual Explains Benefits of Human Shields

Hamas Manual...In a Portion Entitled “Limiting Use of Weapons” the Manual Explains…

The soldiers and commanders (of the IDF) must limit their use of weapons and tactics that lead to the harm and unnecessary loss of people and (destruction of) civilian facilities. It is difficult for them to get the most use out of their firearms, especially of supporting fire.

Clearly, Hamas knows the IDF will limit its use of weapons in order to avoid harming civilians including refraining from using large firepower to support infantry.

Obama Sr Advisor Valerie Jarrett Accuses Israel of Targeting Gaza Civilians and Killing Children

Monday, August 4th, 2014

Hamas and Children(Weasel Zippers) Senior Obama Admin Official Valerie Jarret Criticizes Israel for ‘The Killing of All These Little Children’ –Image: Adam Milstein

(Politico) Anti-Israel Obama Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett in an interview Sunday on CBS “Face the Nation” said that Israel’s airstrikes near civilian havens in Gaza is indefensible adding, “This is why a cease fire is so important, its a devastating situation–you can’t condone the killing of all these innocent children.”

Hamas Attacks(IDF) What the Obama Administration Doesn’t Tell You About Hamas Indiscriminate Rocket Fire on Israel Civilians–Hamas Uses Residential Neighborhoods as a Stronghold for Their Weapons

Dr Charles Krauthammer writing in the Chicago Tribune on Monday says that Obama’s “Clueless (Secy of State) Kerry Play’s Into the Hands of Hamas”

China Authorities Kill 59 Islamic Jihadists Following Terrorist Attack in Xinjiang Province

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

Terrorism is the Enemy of All MankindChina Anti-Terrorism Poster: Terrorism is All Mankind’s Enemy
Images Courtesy: Quartz

Crime to Assist Terrorist Flee Country“Helping Terrorists Flee Country is Crime”

(iCross China) China authorities killed 59 Islamic Terrorist Thugs and arrested 215 others subsequent to a terrorist attack earlier this week in Northwest China’s Shache County, Xinjiang Province–Police confiscated long knives, axes as well as the terrorists banners that hailed “holy war.”

The mastermind behind the Islamic Jihad Terrorist attack was identified as Nuramat Sawut from Elixku Township who had close connections with East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM)–Sawut had been spreading Islamic extremism with audio and video materials since 2013

Since the beginning of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan,  ETIM had multiple meetings in remote places, during which time they prepared weapons and made plans for the attack.

In March, China Daily published an article criticizing the Obama Administration of having a “two faced stance on terrorism” for its reluctance to call Islamic terrorism what it is.

Hillary Clinton: Gaza’s Small Size is Justification for Hamas to Hide Rockets in Civilian Areas

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Hillary Clinton Hamas(Breitbart) Hillary Clinton:”Hamas puts its missiles, its rockets in civilian areas, part of it is Gaza is pretty small and its densely populated.”
Image: Michael Ahlman

What an idiot.

‘Crazy Nancy’ Pelosi: Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Nancy Pelosi(TPNN Video) ‘Crazy Nancy’ Pelosi Claims Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization –Image: WashingtonExaminer

Hamas RocketsHamas has Fired Over 2538 Rockets Indiscriminately at Israel Civilians Since Operation Protective Edge Began —IDF

Related: Hamas Use of ‘Human Shields’ is a War Crime

Accused Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl Pictured Smiling With Taliban Jihadist Badruddin Haqqani

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Bowe BergdahlDoes Bowe Bergdahl Look Like a POW? –Image: Expose Liberals@Twitter

(Reuters) U.S. Soldier accused Army deserter allegedly held in captivity for some 5 years appears smiling alongside Taliban Commander Badruddin Haqqani, does not appear to have ‘served with honor and distinction’ as Obama’s Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice claimed last month.

H/T: Lana Wong

Hamas Chief Terrorist Thug Khaled Meshaal: We Have No Current Plans to Coexist With Israel

Monday, July 28th, 2014

Hamas LeaderHamas Chief Terrorist Thug Threatens Israel
Image: Truth About Hamas

(Business Insider) Khaled Meshaal, Hamas Chief Terrorist Thug said in a recent interview with PBS Host Charlie Rose that Hamas has no plans to coexist with Israel or recognize the Jewish state.

The Times of Israel reports today that on Sunday, during a phone call between President Obama and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu that Obama called for an “immediate, unconditional humanitarian ceasefire that ends hostilities now.”

On Sunday Netanyahu appearing on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ said that Hamas was already violating its own ceasefire which they proposed. “Hamas doesn’t even accepts its own ceasefire. Its continuing to fire at us as we speak.”

Why is it that Obama seems to believe that Israel should stand-down and not defend itself from Islamic Jihadists that want to destroy her?

Christian Genocide in the Middle East, Where’s the Moral Outrage by Obama & the Liberal Left?

Sunday, July 27th, 2014

Christian GenocideChristian Genocide –Image: Ken Gardner@Twitter

Christian Genocide...A Century Ago What’s Now Turkey was 25% Christian Now its 99% Muslim-Christian Genocide Happening Again in Middle East -Rorate Caeli

For the First Time in 2000 YearsAfter 2000 Years Christians Were Forced to Leave Iraq Mosul
Image: Precept Ministries@Facebook

(Independent)  The Vicar of the Anglican Church in Iraq has warned the end for Christians in the country  appears “very near” as he appealed for help after the deadline set by Islamic Jihadists has come-and-gone for Christians to Convert or Die—for those Christians that did not comply with the 19 July decree, ISIS Jihadists said “there is nothing to give them but the sword.” Things are very desperate–people are disappearing.

Mosul Archbishop Amei Nona who has become a refugee himself when ISIS Jihadists took over the city three weeks ago says, “My diocese no longer exists, ISIS have taken it from me,” with approximately about 10,000 members of the diocese are now on the run. “I don’t know whether they will ever be able to return to Mosul,” Archbishop Nona said.

More here ‘Mosul Archbishop: My Diocese No Longer Exists’ –CNA

Rep Frank Wolf (R-VA) Slams Obama Ignoring Christian Genocide in Iraq

Obama Wants Repeal of Iraq War Authorization So U.S. Can’t Engage ISIS

Purged by ISIS, Iraq Christians Appeal to the World for Help –FOX News

(Video) Muslims Behead 50 People–Place Their Heads on Poles –Shoebat

ISIS Now Aggressively  Pursuing Christians in Nineveh –Catholic Online

Another Obama Foreign Policy Success Story: U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya Closed Amid Chaos

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

Burned Out AircraftBurned Out Aircraft at Tripoli Airport –Images: Intl Business Times

Libyan AirportBullet Holes Riddle Baggage Claim Area at Tripoli Airport

(FOX News) The U.S. has finally decided to shut down its embassy in Tripoli, Libya, evacuating dozens of diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under U.S. military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli, as fighting intensified between rival militias.

What took them so long?

In 2011 The Washington Post reported the Obama Administration announced the reopening of the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, holding up Libya “as a model for a kind of American leadership that relies on partnership and persistence” claiming that this provides a ‘partial vindication’ of Obama’s politically difficult decision to open a third military front in an Islamic country.
