Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

Hamas Used Kids to Build Terrorist Tunnels Resulting in 160 Children Deaths

Friday, July 25th, 2014

Hamas Terror TunnelsHamas Used Materials Israel Transferred to Help Gaza to Construct Terrorist Tunnels –Image: IDF

(Tablet) Hamas used child labor to construct terrorist tunnels used to attack Israel–at least 160 Palestinian children were killed according to a 2012 Institute for Palestinian Studies report detailing Gaza’s tunnel phenomenon.

Huge Iran Al-Quds Day Rallies Call for Death to Israel, Burn U.S. & Israel Flags

Friday, July 25th, 2014

Iran Burns Israel FlagsIslamic Fascist Iranians Burn Israel Flags –Images: Al-Akhbar@Twitter

Iran Burns U.S. FlagIranians Burn U.S. Flag

(Times of Israel) Iranians rallied nationwide today in a show of support for the destruction of both Israel and the United States all of these protest rallies are going on while the Obama administration proposes giving Iran another $2.8 Billion seemingly to believe that he and Secy of State John Kerry can somehow charm Iran into a nuclear deal.

Thanks to Obama’s Disengagement Foreign Policy: ISIS Jihadists Blow-Up Prophet Jonah’s Tomb in Iraq

Friday, July 25th, 2014

Jonah's Tomb Before and After(CNN)  Prophet Jonah’s Tomb in Iraq Before & After Photo’s After ISIS Jihadists Blew it Up –Image: Liberty Lynx@Twitter

ISIS Jonah's Tomb(Video) ISIS Jihadists Sledgehammered the Prophet Jonah’s Tomb

#IStandWithIsrael: Imagine Terrorists Tunnels Underneath American Streets

Friday, July 25th, 2014

Imagine Hamas Tunnels in USImagine Hamas Tunnels Underneath U.S. Streets
Image: Israel Under Fire

Hamas TunnelInstead of Constructing Schools and Hospitals Hamas Built Tunnels to Launch Attacks Against Israel –Image: Martin Sampson@Twitter

Hamas Attack TunnelsMap Showing Hamas Attack Tunnels from Gaza Into Israel –IDF

(IDF) On the 17 July, the IDF around 13 Palestinian-Arabs who had infiltrated Israel through a tunnel dug from Gaza–the Jihadists were heavily armed with Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG’s) together with assault rifles and were prepared to carry out a massacre–the IDF foiled their attack saving countless lives.

**How You May Help Support Israel**

Buy Israel GoodsBuy Israeli Goods –Supporting Israel Around the World

American Hero Stands With IsraelAmerican Hero Stands With Israel –Image: Stand With Us@Twitter

Hamas Rejects Secy of State John Kerry’s Attempts to Negotiate a Cease Fire With Israel

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

Hamas Leader Working OutHamas Leader Khaled Meshal Working Out at a 5 Star Hotel
Jewish Defence@Twitter

(NY Times) Secy of State John Kerry attempting to initiate a ‘cease fire’ between Hamas and Israel claims that “some progress” has been made even though Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal said at his home in Qatar of Kerry’s attempts, “Everyone wanted us to accept a cease fire and then negotiate for our rights…We reject this and reject it again today.”

Beyond Hamas’ provocation of Israel Defense Force (IDF) by indiscriminately firing over 1000 rockets into Israel since the start of Operation Protective Edge Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri has been very vocal, revealing the sinister way in which Hamas abuses its citizens by putting them in danger. During a 13 July interview on Al Aqsa TV (Hamas TV) Sami Abu Zuhri said, “We aren’t leading our people today to destruction, we are leading them to death.”

Related: Hamas Spokesman: We are Leading Palestinians to Death –IDF

IDF Opens a Field Hospital to Treat Palestinian Prisoners –Facebook

What If Christians Demanded that Muslims Convert or Die? Where’s the Moral Outrage by Obama & the Left?

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Islamic Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Iraq(The Guardian) Islamic Ethnic Cleansing of Christian in Iraq
Joni Versity@Twitter

Deja VuDaja Vu –Image: Color Me Red@Twitter

What the Dinosaur Media Won’t Report…

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Palestinianian ArabsFrom Nazi Germany, USSR, Cuba to Iraq’s Saddam Hussein the Palestinian Arabs have Supported Enemies of the United States
Image: Josh Block@Twitter

Why Will the U.S. Give the Islamic Fascist Iranian Regime Another $2.8 Billion for Agreeing to Continue Talking?

Monday, July 21st, 2014

John Kerry Iran TalksSecy of State John Kerry at Islamic Fascist Iran Nuke Talks

Save American Pastor SaeedIranian Regime Continues to Hold American Pastor Saeed Hostage –ACLJ

Iran Brutalizes Dog OwnerIran Ordered This 70 Yr Old Man Jailed for 4 Months to Receive 70 Lashes for Walking his Dog on the Street –Image: Speak Up For The Voiceless

(Free Beacon) The United States will give to Islamic Fascist Iran another $2.8 Billion over the next several months in exchange for agreeing to extend nuclear talks until late November–the Obama Administration has already returned to Iran $4.2 Billion in unfrozen oil assets during the past six months.

Why is it that the Obama Administration is paying Iran to “negotiate” when instead: (a) they should be demanding that the Iranian regime release American Pastor Saeed Abedini from Iranian prison for establishing a church and orphanage; (b) demanding that Iran stop exporting weapons, rockets and training to Hamas Jihadists in Gaza used to indiscriminately bomb Israel civilians?

Obama Statement on Malaysian #17 Disaster: Yade, Yade, Yade…

Monday, July 21st, 2014

Obama Russia

(CNBC) Obama called on Russia this morning to cooperate with the investigation of Malaysian #17 disaster saying:

“My preference continues to be a diplomatic resolution within Ukraine–I believe that can happen, that is my preference today and it will continue to be my preference but if Russia continues to violated Ukraine’s sovereignty and back these separatists and these separatists become more and more dangerous and now are risks not simple to the people inside Ukraine but the broader international community, then Russia will further isolate itself from the international community and the costs for Russia’s behavior will only continue to increase.”

Huh? If these separatists become more and more dangerous. They shot down a commercial aircraft and are keeping crash and crime scene investigators away from the crash site, how much more dangerous can they be?

How is talking, talking, talking…changing Vladimir Putin’s behavior regarding the Ukraine?

Flashback: In March, the Obama Administration “warned” the Russian’s that there would be serious consequences if last ditch efforts to resolve the Ukraine crisis are futile.

Vladimir Putin doesn’t appear to care much if at all about Obama’s feckless threats.

Hamas & Islamic Apologists are Hoping the Media is Lazy Enough Not to Report the Use of Children as Human Shields

Monday, July 21st, 2014

Hamas Missile Defense Shield(Video) Hamas Defends Policy Using Civilians as Human Shields –PMW

Hamas Hides Rockets in Schools(Video) Hamas: We Place Civilians in the Line of Fire –IDF

(Video) Hamas: We Will Give Hand 250,000 Hand Grenades to Our Youth to Throw at IDF Soldiers Instead of Rocks