Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

News of the Weird: Russian Rebel Leader Claims Many of Malaysian#17 Victims Died Days Before

Saturday, July 19th, 2014

Toys From MH #17Grim Search for Remains of Debris From Malaysian #17
Shot Down Over Ukraine –Image: FOX News

(AP) Top Russian Rebel Commander Igor Girkin in Eastern Ukraine has given what can only be described as a weird/bizarre version of events surrounding Malaysian #17 disaster, suggesting that many of the victims died days before the plane departed from Amsterdam saying on Friday, “a significant number of bodies weren’t fresh,” adding that he was told they were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition.


Related: Devastating: Tributes for U.K. Malaysian #17 Victims –Sky News

Nearly 100 Passengers were AIDS Researchers –CBS San Francisco

Obama AWOL as Malaysian #17 Crisis Unfolds, Presses Ahead with ‘Charcoal Pit’ Burger Photo-Op

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Obama Photo-Op(Townhall) As Ukraine Crisis Unfolds, Obama Presses Ahead with Burger Joint Photo-Op –Image: Joseph M Ryan@Twitter

Flashback: Remember in 2012 when American Hero David Ubben in Benghazi with a shredded leg, waited 20 hours for a plane to arrive and evacuate him from Libya as Obama was in Las Vegas chasing votes.

Related: Obama Gives Malaysian #17 Just 40 Second Mention –Daily Mail

Obama Sending 6 More GITMO Islamic Jihad Reinforcements to Rejoin Al-Qaeda

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Obama PrioritiesBHO Priorities –Cartoon Image: Legal Insurrection

(NY Times) Defense Secy Chuck Hagel has quietly notified Congress that the Obama Administration intends to transfer from GITMO, six more Islamic Jihadist to rejoin Al-Qaeda–Of the 6 GITMO detainees, four are Syrian, one is a Palestinian-Arab and the other is from Tunisia.

Taliban-Five-Released-by-ObamaFlashback: Remember Obama Released These Five Islamic Jihadists a Few Weeks Ago in Exchange for Accused Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Israel Launches Ground Operation Against Hamas; CNN Reporter Diana Magnay Posts Antisemitic Tweet Then Deletes It

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

IDF Launches Ground Ops(IDF) After 10 days of Hamas rockets attacks against Israel and rejections of “cease fire” brokered agreements the Israel Defense Force (IDF) has started a new phase of Operation Protective Edge a large IDF force entered the Gaza Strip, their mission is to target Hamas tunnels that cross under the Israel–Gaza border, enabling Islamic Jihadists to infiltrate Israel and carry out attacks. The IDF intends to impair Hamas capability to attack Israel.

CNN ReporterCNN Reporter Posts Antisemitic Tweet Then Deletes It
Washington Examiner

More here from Eretzy Israel

Condolences to Malaysian Airlines #17 Victims Families & Friends

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

Condolences Malaysian Airline Jet CrashCondolences to Malaysian Airlines #17 Victims Families & Friends

CBO: During Obama’s Watch the Federal Govt Recorded the Largest Budget Deficits

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Federal Debt

(CBO) “Between 2009 and 2012 the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946 causing its debt to soar.”

Flashback: Remember in September 2013 when President Obama boasted the U.S. budget deficit has been cut in half adding,”Our deficits are now falling at the fastest rate since the end of World War II, I want to repeat that. Our deficits are going down faster than anytime since before I was born.”

Earlier today I wrote here that White House Press Secy Josh Earnest claimed on Monday, the Obama administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas have enhanced the world’s “tranquility” subsequent to Obama’s statement in June that “the world is less violent that it has ever been.”

What parallel universe does Obama live?

Obama Administration: ‘Substantially Improved the Tranquility of the Global Community’

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Obama Tranquility

(FOX Nation) White House Press Secy Josh Earnest claimed on Monday, the Obama Administration’s foreign policies in a number of areas, have enhanced the  worlds “tranquility” subsequent to Obama’s statement in June that “the world is less violent than it has ever been.”

What are they smoking at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Human Rights Voices Highlights Some of the Worlds Recent Hot Spots Which the Obama Administration Seems To Be Unawares:

Hamas Rejects Egyptian Brokered “Cease Fire” After Israel Accepted It, Resumes Indiscriminate Rocket Fire into Southern Israel

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Hamas Rocket FireHamas Has Fired Over 1088 Rockets Into Israel in Just 1 Week –IDF

(Ynet) Israel accepted Egyptian ‘Cease Fire’ suspending air strikes into Gaza this morning but less than an hour in Hamas defied the truce resuming indiscriminate rocket fire into Israel. Code Red sirens sounded in Ashkelon–two rockets landed outside Eshkol, a third rocket exploded in an open area nearby.

Related: Hamas Song: Fire Your Rockets–Blow Up Tel Aviv –PMW

Islamic Jihadist Thugs Interrupt Peaceful “We Stand With Israel” Rally in Los Angeles

Sunday, July 13th, 2014

Israel Rally LA“We Stand With Israel” Rally Sunday in Los Angeles
Images: Adam Milstein

Israel Rally Los AngelesAn Estimated 5,000 Were in Attendance at “We Stand With Israel” Rally

Pro Israel Rally LAPro-Israel Rally in Los Angeles Sunday

Pro Israel RallyPhoto Gallery: “We Stand With Israel” Rally Los Angeles
Courtesy of Friends of IDF@Facebook

Pro-Israel Rally SundayPro-Israel Rally in Los Angeles –Image: Friends of IDF@Facebook

(Jewish Journal) A peaceful We Stand With Israel rally in front of the federal building in West Los Angeles Sunday, was interrupted when a group of Islamic Jihadist Thugs displaying ‘Palestinian Authority’ flags arrived wielding long wooden weapons and attacked some of the pro-Israel participants.

LAPD already at the event attempted to break-up the violent assault, subsequently the cowardly Islamic Jihadist Thugs attempted to flee the scene as additional LAPD units were responding–the assailants were quickly apprehended by Police, it is unknown if additional arrests may be made according to a Police spokesperson.

Related: DHS Officer Fired Weapon at Pro-Israel Rally –LA Times

We Stand With Israel Rally Los Angeles, Today 4:00 PM

Sunday, July 13th, 2014

Israel Under Attack

We Stand United With Israel