Archive for the ‘Terrorism’ Category

Clinton Foundation Receives Major Funding from Hamas Donor Qatar & Brunei’s Islamic Law Govt

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

Hillary Clinton Hamas(Free Beacon) The Clinton Foundation & Hamas Share a Key Donor the Qatar Government –Image: Kate Scanlon@Twitter

Flashback: In May, FOX News reported that the Clinton Foundation received Millions in contributions from the Brunei Islamic law government.

Related: Human Rights Campaign Urges Boycott Brunei Hotels –LA Times

Obama Administration Lectures Israel on Security as Islamic Jihadists From Gaza Unleash Barrage of Rocket Fire on Israel Civilians

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014


(IDF) It is now clear, that Hamas received powerful M-302 rockets from Islamic Fascist Iran  placing over 3.5 Million of Israeli’s residents in danger.On Tuesday, an M-302 rocket hit the city of Hadera, which is 100 KM (62 miles) away from Gaza.

On the 05 March, I wrote here that the IDF intercepted these same types of rockets from Iran in their continuing effort to import terrorism in the region–the M-302 has a steike range of 160 KM, allowing Hamas/Palestinian Authority to target most of Israel. ImagineImagine if Islaimic Jihadists Were Your Neighbors and Could Indiscriminately Fire M-302 Rockets Into Your City?

Obama Admin LectureOn Tuesday, White House Middle East Coordinator Philip Gordon lectured Israel on peace and security as the Obama Administration’s Hamas/Palestinian Authority friends fire a barrage of rockets indiscriminately on Israel civilians.

Full article here by David Horovitz/Times of Israel

Related: (Video) Watch as PA ‘Mooslims’ Cheer as Rocket Hits Jerusalem

ISIS Jihadists Claim 15 American Soldiers Killed or Injured in Afghanistan Today, Obama Heads to Colorado for Democrat Fundraiser

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

Islamic State Media Twitter ClaimsISIS Jihadists@Twitter Claims to Have Killed or Injured 15 American Soldiers Today as Obama Heads to Colorado for a Democratic Fundraiser

Burned Out Fuel Trucks in AfghanistanTaliban Jihadists Claim Responsibility for Terrorist Attack on Fuel Trucks in Afghanistan –Image: Dawla News Media@Twitter

Islamic Bomb Making FactoryISIS Jihadists@Twitter Claim Bomb Making Production Facility
in Syria has Been Restored

ISIS Threatens New Holocaust, Now What’s Obama Going to Do, Whisper More Sweet Nothings?

Monday, July 7th, 2014

ISIS Threatens Holocaust(Gateway Pundit) ISIS Threaten New Holocaust Against the Jews as Predicted in Hadith –Image: ISIS@Twitter

ISIS RecruitsISIS New Child Recruits –Images: Kassamally@Twitter

ISIS New Recruits

Flashback: Obama told us some 30+ times that Al-Qaeda was “on the path to defeat” and that was after the Benghazi Terrorist attack which claimed the lives of  U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American Heroes on the 11 September, 2012

Of course who can forget this now infamous Obama lie: “…The war in Iraq is over—Al-Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin-Laden is dead.”

What assurances do Americans (and our allies) have that the White House foreign policy follies won’t be a continual failure during the remainder of Obama’s term?

On Saturday, I wrote here that ISIS Chief Terrorist Thug Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in his Ramadan message threatened to conquer Christian Rome and the World.

Now what’s Obama going to do? Does he have more ‘sweet nothings’ to whisper to the Islamic Terrorists, thinking that he’ll be able to say just the right words this time, for peace, love and utopia to overtake the world and everyone will just be nice?

Related: Why Obama Ignored Iraq –Front Page

ISIS Jihadists Mock Obama in Video: Did You Prepare Enough Diapers

Allah’s Ministry of Propaganda & Disinformation, Meets Bloody Reality

Sunday, July 6th, 2014

Islam PropagandaIslamic Propaganda –Courtesy of: Yasmintbh@Twitter

**What Muslims Want People To Forget**

Islamic TerrorismIslamic Terrorism Reality –Courtesy of: FredJKt@Twitter

ISIS Chief Jihadist Ramadan Message: We Will Conquer Christian Rome and the World

Saturday, July 5th, 2014

ISIS Jihadists Threatens Rome

(IBT) ISIS Chief Terrorist Thug Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has urged Muslims around the world to embrace Jihad and to take up arms and join his terrorist organization.

In Baghdadi first statement since ISIS renamed itself the ‘Islamic State’ and declared an Islamic Caliphate he has said to wannabe Jihadists: “The time has come for you to free yourself from the shackles of weakness and stand in the face of tyranny against the treacherous rulers–the agents of the crusaders, and the atheists, and the guards of the Jews.”

Baghdadi added, “Rush O Muslims to your state, yes its your state. Rush because Syria is not for the Syrians and Iraq is not for the Iraqi’s–The earth is Allah’s. This is my advice to you, if you hold to it, you will conquer Rome and own the world if Allah wills.”

Earlier this week, Investors Business Daily reported that Obama extended his best wishes to the Muslim communities around the world on what he calls the blessed month of Ramadan.

H/T: Fr Jonathan Morris@Twitter

Hamas Murders Israel & American Teenagers, Obama Urges Israel Not to Destabilize Situation

Monday, June 30th, 2014

Obama Hamas...Obama Endorsed by Hamas –Image: RevkahJC@Twitter

Hamas KidnappingsHamas Barbarians Kidnapped & Murdered Israel & American Teenagers
Eyal, Gilad and Naftali

shattered-IDF-ambulancePalestinian Authority/Hamas Terrorist Thugs Attack IDF Ambulance
Carrying Teenager Boys Bodies –Image: Algemeiner

(NRO) President Obama urged Israel’s leadership not to “destabilize the situation” following the discovery of the bodies of Israel & American teenagers who were kidnapped by Hamas terrorist thugs.

Hamas leader Khalad Mashaal praised the kidnappings last week according to the Times of Israel calling it an heroic act adding, “This is a Palestinian duty, the responsibility of the Palestinian people…”

While Obama Claims To End the War on Islamic Terrorism & Americans Become Complacent…

Saturday, June 28th, 2014

New 911Islamic Jihadist #CalamityWillBefallUS  “Coming Soon” Claims
New 11 Sept By ISIS –Image: 0ff2020@Twitter

911 ThreatJihadists Make New 9/11 Threat Claiming: “This Scene Will Be Seen By #Americans But Where? Unexpected Place -Image: Abo Suhib1@Twitter

Islamic Jihadist Explosive BeltIslamic Jihadist Wearing Explosive Vest Writes: “I Really Need Hug You, Can I ?” @FLOTUS –Image: ISIS (hnanah1@Twitter)

Muslims Threat to U.S. CongressMuslims Threaten: #USA @Oprah @Kingsthings @BarackObama @John Kerry @NY Times @CondiRice –Image: ISIS/Off2020@Twitter

Islamic JihadistThreaten CongressIslamic Jihadists Threaten @SenMikeLee @Allen West @SenTedCruz @SenMarcoRubio @NancyPelosi –Image: boe9eod@Twitter

Islamic Jihadists Threaten CompaniesIslamic Jihadists Threatens Commerce & Americans Claiming to “Have So Many Targets” Using Knives, Bullets or Explosion @Barack Obama –Image: iabdulla@Twitter

ISIS Teaching Children to Be JihadistsISIS Teaching Children to Be the Next Generation of Jihadists
Image: Prophet’s Khilafa@Twitter

Islamic Terror Threaten Poison Gas AttackIslamic Jihadist Threatens Poison Gas Attacks on Americans
Image: Sahe85@Twitter

Obama on Thursday Claimed Benghazi and IRS Targeting of Conservatives are Phony Scandals

Friday, June 27th, 2014

Obama Minnesota(RCP Video) Thursday in Minnesota Obama Accused Republicans of “Phony Scandals” to Gin Up Their Base –Image: White House Photo

Phony ScandalDeaths of Four American Heroes in Benghazi is Not a Phony Scandal

Americans Approve of Benghazi HearingsVoters Don’t Believe That Benghazi is a Phony Scandal

Voters IRSVoters Don’t Believe the Congressional Investigation of the IRS Targeting of Conservatives is a Phony Scandal

H/T: Lana Wong

Bring Eyal, Gilad and Naftali Kidnapped by Hamas Back Home to Israel, #BringBackOurBoys

Monday, June 23rd, 2014

Bring Back Our Boys700 Students at Moreshet Menaachem School in Israel Create a Giant Human Message: #BringBackOurBoys -Image: Israel@Twitter

Sara NetanyahuSara Netanyahu Joins #BringBackOurBoys Campaign for Kidnapped Israel Teens Where is Michelle Obama?

Meet GiladMeet 16 Yr Old Gilad –Embassy of Israel@Twitter

Meet EyalMeet Eyal –Embassy of Israel@Twitter

Share Their NamesShare Their Names, Share Their Faces –IDF Blog

Bring Back Our Boys...Zionist Youth Council@Twitter: “Our Thoughts are With Gilad, Eyal and Naftali’s Family, Wishing Them Home Soon and Safe.” #BringBackOurBoys

Related: #BringBackOurBoys –Embassy of Israel

Netanyahu: Hamas Kidnapped Three Israeli Teens; Naftali is an American

Israel Website Raising Money for Reward for Info to #BringBackOurBoys

Tie a Ribbon to #BringBackOurBoys