Archive for the ‘U.S. Constitution’ Category

Personal Responsibility is Dead, Obama Nationalizes Student Loan Debt by Executive Fiat

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Student Loan DebtObama Nationalizes Student Loan Debt, What Could Possibly Go Wrong
With This? –Image: WSJ

(Daily Signal) Bypassing Congress ‘again’ President Obama this time took executive action expanding existing federal loan options available to college students–capping monthly loan payments at 10% of the borrowers discretionary income and forgiving their remaining balance after 20 years.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility, in choosing where to go to college and paying for student loan debts that one accumulates?

Related: Student Debt Blows Chill Wind at Housing Recovery –Forbes

(Video) Obama’s Endless War on Young People –YAF

Democrat Dolt N.Y. Senator Chuckie Schumer Credits Thomas Jefferson for Bill of Rights

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Chuckie SchumerIn March, Sen Chuckie Schumer Failed 1st Grade Calendar Reading

(Washington Times) Sen Chuck Schumer stumbled over basic American history on Tuesday, crediting Thomas Jefferson for authorship of the ‘Bill of Rights’ during a debate over the 1st Amendment and campaign finance.

“I think if Thomas Jefferson were looking down, the author of the ‘Bill of Rights’ on whats being proposed here, he’d agree with it, he would agree that the First Amendment cannot be absolute,” said Schumer.

While Jefferson is deemed the principle author of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ he was not intimately involved in the writing of the ‘Constitution or the Bill of Rights’ and in-fact was serving as the Minister of France at the time of both the Constitutional Convention and the Congressional debate over the ‘Bill of Rights.’

Jefferson’s fellow Virginians’ James Madison and George Mason are usually credited are being more influential in the process–Mason for being among the most forceful in demanding the protections of such a ‘Bill of Rights’ and Madison, for being the political muscle that got them approved.

“Madison’s support of the ‘Bill of Rights’ was of critical significance,” the National Archives writes on its webpage: “One of the new representatives from Virginia to the First Federal Congress as established by the new Constitution, he worked tirelessly to persuade the Hose to enact the amendments.”

The National Archives goes on to recount Madison’s efforts to shepherd a package of 17 Amendments through the House in 1789 a number that was later trimmed to 12 in the Senate before being submitted to the States–Of those, 10 were ratified fairly quickly.

One would hope that a sitting U.S. Senator would familiarize himself with American History before attempting to change the Constitution for political purposes.

The new Constitutional Amendment that Schumer is pushing, would grant to federal lawmakers the power to control free speech or whatever they would deem is objectionable to them.

Related: Sen Chuckie Schumer Calls the NRA an Extreme Fringe Group

Woo-Hoo! Southern Poverty Law Centers Calls Me an ‘Extremist’ For Opposing Common Core

Sunday, May 11th, 2014

Kindergaten Common CoreWhy Johnny & Susie Can’t Read or Write–Kindergarten ObamaCore Homework Assignment  –Image Courtesy: Dr Kellvan Cheng@Facebook

(SPLC) According to the ‘Southern Poverty Law Center’ (SPLC) I’m an ‘extremist’ because I together with other nefarious groups such as:

The Christian Right, Tea Party organizations, The National Review and The Federalist joined by other “radical” anti-government groups such as the State of Indiana and Kentucky U.S. Senator Rand Paul (I didn’t know that he was a group though, I digress) that have chosen to exercise their First Amendment rights and oppose Common Core curriculum, are nothing more than ignominious serfs.


Related: Why Parents Like Me are Angry about Common Core –FOX News

FEC Chairman Warns Conservative Media Such as ‘Drudge Report & Sean Hannity’ Faces Govt Regs

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

First AmendmentFirst Amendment Subject to Govt Oversight & Regulations???

(Washington Examiner) Federal bureaucrats reacting to the growing voice of Conservative news especially online are angling to curtail the media’s exemption from federal election laws governing political organizations–a potentially chilling intervention that the Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman Lee E. Goodman is vowing to fight.

“I think there are impulses in the government every day to second guess and look into the editorial decisions of Conservative publishers–The right has begun to break the Left’s media monopoly particularly through new media outlets like the Internet and I sense that some on the Left are starting to rethink the breadth  of the media’s exemption and Internet communications.”

Goodman cited several examples where the FEC has considered regulating Conservative media such as Drudge Report, Sean Hannity and Citizens United Film Division. Liberals over the years have been pushing for a change in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ‘fairness doctrine’ to choke-off Conservative voices.

“The picking and choosing has started to occur…There are some in this (FEC) building that think we can actually regulate (silence) media,” added Goodman.

In February I wrote here the out of control FCC proposed putting ‘government monitors’ in newsrooms to inspect issues such as the amount of time spent on news which they determine to be of ‘critical importance’ and would permit government agents to look over the shoulders of reporters, editors and station owners, about how they decide which stories to run.

When was the First Amendment repealed?

Did the State of Michigan Just Trigger a Constitutional Convention?

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Natl Debt --Cagle CartoonsU.S. Federal Budget Deficit $17.5+ Trillion

(FOX News) Momentum is building behind what would be an unprecedented effort to amend the Constitution and balance the federal budget, in the wake of lawmakers in the State of Michigan, becoming the 34th state to exercise their rights triggering the 2/3 necessary pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the United States.

In the wake of Michigan’s vote, Rep Duncan Hunter (R-CA) pressed House Speaker John Boehner yesterday to determine whether the states crossed the necessary threshold to begin the process of achieving a balanced budget amendment and Obama, can’t do a damn thing about it.

If 2/3 of the states have indeed called for a constitutional convention, the ball is now in Congress’ court.

The last time a successful amendment was ratified was May 1992 the 27th Amendment on Congressional pay increases.

Dumb-O-Crat Sheila Jackson Lee Thinks Constitution is 400 Yrs Old

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Sheila Jackson Lee

(Washington Free Beacon) Congressional Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) declared the Constitution to be 400 yrs old on the House floor today saying:

“Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional or not.”

In 2010 Rep Jackson Lee on the House floor claimed there are two Vietnam’s, a North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

It is unknown what parallel universe Rep Jackson Lee is from?

In 1964 “Free Speech Movement” Launched at UC Berkeley, 50 Years Later, Students at Cal Poly Discover Censorship Flourishes

Monday, March 10th, 2014

Free SppechIn 1964 the “Free Speech Movement” was Launched at UC Berkeley
Image: Bill Badey@Twitter

(FOX News) Politicians have always loved to see their names in the newspaper but at Cal Poly, candidates for student government face fines of $100 for just speaking with reporters.

J.J. Jenkins, Editor-in-Chief of the Mustang News the school’s student newspaper told FOX that two of four candidates for student body president have been fined $100 after they or their campaign staff spoke to the student run newspaper–the students were notified they violated the ‘Associated Students, Inc (ASI) election code at the public university which bans active campaigning including “non-verbal public display” until 10 days before the 23 April election.

When was the 1st Amendment repealed?

9th U.S. Circuit ‘Most Over Turned’ Court Says Kids in California School Can’t Display American Flag

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

9th U.S. Circuit

(AP) Officials at Live Oak High School in Northern California acted appropriately according to the U.S. 9th Circuit Ct in the matter under the caption of Dariano-v-Morgan Hill Unified School District Case No: 11:17858 when they ordered students wearing ‘American Flog T-Shirts’ to turn their shirts inside out during Cinco de Mayo according to the 3 Judge panel which illogically reasoned said:

“…students who were asked to remove clothing bearing images of the American flag after school officials learned of threats of race-related violence during a school sanctioned celebration of Cinco de Mayo…The panel held given the history of prior events at the school, including an altercation on campus…that school officials anticipated violence or substantial disruptions of or material interference with school activities and their response was tailored to the circumstances.

When was the 1st Amendment repealed?

In a different public school indoctrination controversy that had arisen in Iowa, three public school students were suspended from school for wearing black armbands to protest the government’s policy in Vietnam.

In deciding in favor of the three students, the U.S. Supreme Court in the matter under the caption of Tinker-v-Des Moines School District 393 U.S. 503  said, “…It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate. This has been an unmistakable holding of the Court for almost 50 years.”

In another case similar in nature to the case in California, which a public school in Mississippi prohibited students from wearing ‘freedom buttons’ the U.S. Supreme Ct in the matter of Burnside-v-Byars 363 F2d 744 said that “…school officials cannot ignore expressions of feelings with which they wish not to contend. They cannot infringe on their students right to free and unrestricted expressions as guaranteed to them under the First Amendment to the Constitution…”

Is this still America or have we ceded our civil liberties now to any groups of misfits which ‘may become disruptive’ at some public school event in order just to get along?

How long will it be before flying the American flag outside a school building is banned or singing the national anthem at some school sporting event because someones little feelings may be hurt for one reason or another or someone may be offended?

1984 Is Here! Obama Administration is Seeking Access to ‘Full Twitter Historical Data’

Thursday, February 20th, 2014

Govt Monitors

(Washington Free Beacon) The Obama Administration by and through HHS (which by the way has been responsible for the ObamaCare roll-out disaster) now is seeking a ‘social media analytical tool’ that will give the government access to ‘full Twitter historical data’ according to a Fed Biz solicitation posted this week.

Yesterday I wrote here that the Obama Administration now wants to put government agents into newsrooms to pressure media organizations into covering certain stories which it deems to be suitable for dissemination and demand reporters, editors and station owners justify the stories which they run.

First the NSA began spying on every American, then the government went after FOX News and James Rosen next the Obama Administration went after the Little Sisters of the Poor after seizing control of health care, then the IRS went after ‘Tea Party’ groups that objected to government policy.

When they come for you will anyone be left to speak up for you?

  • Where does this government intrusion into peoples lives end?
  • When were the First and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution repealed?
  • Will Congress stop the lawless Obama Administration or just make more speeches (some excuses) about the chilling erosion of our civil liberties in an effort to raise money for the next election?

So Long Free Speech It Was Good Knowing You

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

FreeSpeech(Mediate) FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal issued a warning to Americans that the agency will be putting ‘government monitors’ in newsrooms to inspect issues such as the amount of time is spent on the “critical information needs of the American public with special emphasis on vulnerable/disadvantaged populations.”

The Obama Administration has no place attempting to “pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories,” writes Pai of the 2013 proposal that would permit government agents to “grill reporters, editors and station owners about how they decide which stories to run.”

What a chilling erosion of our sacred 1st Amendment liberties which specifically protects free speech from government interference.

More here FCC Official Warns Agency Could Stifle Freedom of the Press

Related: Sign Petition–No Govt Monitors in Newsrooms –ACLJ