Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit;
To God Who is, Who was and Who is to come. –CF. Revelation 1:8
Image Courtesy: Truth Himself
Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our ancestors
and to be praised and highly exalted forever!
Blessed is Your glorious, Holy Name
and to be highly praised and highly exalted forever!
Blessed are You in the Temple of Your Holy Glory
and to be extolled and highly glorified forever!
Blessed are You who look into the depths from Your Throne on the cherubim
and to be praised and highly exalted forever!
Blessed are You on the Throne of Your Kingdom
and to be extolled and highly exalted forever!
Blessed are You in the firmament of Heaven
and to be sung and glorified forever!
Bless the Lord, all You Works of the Lord;
Sing praise to Him and highly exalt Him forever! –Daniel 3:52-57
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son,
so that everyone who believes in Him may bot perish but may have eternal life.Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world
but in order that the world might be saved through Him. –John 3:16-17
Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Visit: -USCCB