Today Christians Memorialize Saint’s Marian & James, Martyrs for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Christian MartyrsChristian Martyrs –Image: ASB240@Wikispaces

(Franciscan Media) Often its difficult to find much detail of the lives of the Saint’s of the early Church–What we do know about the 3rd century Martyrs ‘Saint’s Marian and James’ that we honor today is likewise minimal but we do know that they lived and died for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Born in North Africa, Marian was a lecturer (or reader) and James was a Deacon, for their devotions to faith, they suffered during the persecution of Emperor Valerian from 257-259

Prior to their persecution and martyrdom, Marian and James were visited by two Bishop’s Agapius and Secundinus, who encouraged them in their faith (not long before they to were martyred for Jesus Christ) shortly thereafter, Marian and James were arrested, interrogated which they confessed their faith for that, they were tortured.

While imprisoned, they are said to have experienced visions, including one of Bishop’s Agapius and Secundinus that had visited them earlier.

On the last day of their lives, Marian and James joined other Christians facing martyrdom. They were blindfolded and put to death.

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