Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Louis IX King of France, Patron Saint of Builders & Masons – Please Pray For Us!

St Louis IX of France

St. Louis IX of France (1226-1270)
Image Courtesy: Brogilbert

(Franciscan Media) Born in France at Poissy, Louis was the son of King Louis VII and Blanche of Castile according to SQPN and was crowned King at the age of 11 on his father’s death. King Louis’ mother reigned during her son’s youth.

King Louis IX was known to lead an exemplary life, bearing constantly in mind his mother’s words: “I would rather see you dead at my feet than guilty of a mortal sin.” King Louis’ biographers wrote about the long hours that he spent in prayer, fasting and penance, without the knowledge of the people in the kingdom.

At the age of 19 King Louis was wed to Marguerite of Provence and the couple had a loving marriage though not without challenge as the couple had 11 children.

King Louis IX loved justice and took great measure to ensure the jurisprudence was carried out fairly, replacing the trial by battle with an examination of witnesses and encouraged the use of written records in Court proceedings. All of 13th century Christian Europe looked upon him as an international judge.

While King Louis IV of France was always respectful of the Papacy, he defended the royal interests against the Pope’s and refused to acknowledge Pope Innocent IV sentence against Emperor Frederick II.

King Louis IX was devoted to the people of his kingdom, founding hospitals, visiting the sick and like his Patron Saint Francis of Assisi (Feast Day: 04 October) he cared for people with leprosy. King Louis united France, Lords, Townsfolk, Peasants, Priests and Knights–by the force of his personality and holiness. For many years, France was at peace.

Everyday King Louis would invite 13 ‘Special Guests’ among the poor to dine with him together with a large number of the poor that were served meals near the palace–During Advent and Lent, all who presented themselves were provided with a meal which King Louis served them in person.

Disturbed by Jerusalem’s fall to the warring Muslim in 1245, King Louis IX set sail with his Naval forces to win back the Holy Land but by late 1249 with his military bogged down by the Nile and the following year his capture by the Egyptian Army, he was ransomed back to France for 1/3 of his kingdoms annual income.

In 1267 together with his three sons, King Louis led a second crusade against Muslims, this time in Syria but when plague broke out, it decimated the troops and King Louis, sickened by disease died on this date near Tunis in 1270

King Louis IX was was Canonized in 1297 by Pope Boniface VIIĀ 

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