Today Christians Commemorate Prince St. Cloud, Please Pray For Us!

(Angelus News) St. Cloud was born in 522 was the Grandson of King Clovis I, the first Catholic monarch of what is now present day France, after the death of their father, Cloud and his brother were raised by their Grandmother, St. Queen Clothilde.

King Cloud divided his kingdom into four sections one for each of his sons, following his death in 511, two of Prince Cloud’s uncles and two other boys in an attempt to leave only one living son, King of all the territories. Prince Cloud escaped and lived as a Monk for many years, giving away his wealth to the poor and renouncing his position and wealth entirely, he would become a Priest in 551

Fr. Cloud spent time as a Hermit in the forest studying Holy Scripture, he would found a community of Monks and passed away there at the age of thirty-eight on this date in 560 — Many cities and towns are named after St. Cloud, including St. Cloud, Minnesota.

St. Cloud, please pray that we’ll always be committed to Christ Jesus and the most Holy Scriptures no matter the consequences.

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