Today Christians Commemorate Saint Romanus & Saint Lupicinus of Condat, Please Pray For Us!

(Catholic Online) Fr. Romanus, ordained a Priest in 444, was of Roman descent, adopting the life of a hermit in France at the age of thirty-five and was joined by his biological brother Lupicinus and many other disciples. The two brothers became leaders of a community of Monks, establishing Monasteries at Condat and Leuconne and a Convent at La Beaume, that was governed by their sister.

  • Jesus: “Go into all the world and proclaim ‘The Good News’ to the whole creation. The one who believes and is baptized will be saved but the one who does not believe will be condemned.” –Mark 16:15-16

Related: Why Do Catholic’s Sek the Intercession of Saint’s?

How Can You Become a Saint?

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