Today Christians Commemorate St. Augustus Chapdelaine, Martyr For Christ Jesus, Please Pray For Us!

(Catholic Online) Fr. Augustus was ordained into the Priesthood in the ‘Paris Society of Foreign Missions’ and sent to China after a brief period of Parish work. Fr. Augustus was arrested accused of insurrection and imprisoned, sentenced to cage torture, was beaten on hundred times on his face, then hung at the gate of the jail, the planks that he stood uponĀ  were gradually removed, leading to a slow and painful death by suffocation in 1856 during the persecution of Christians and the Church.

In October 2000, Fr. Augustus was Canonized by Pope John Paul II together with 120 other Christian Martyrs who had died in China between the 17th andĀ  20th centuries.

  • Jesus: “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, rather fear Him (Almighty God) who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.” –Matthew 10:28

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