Today Christians Commemorate St. Fina of Seraphina, Please Pray For Us!

(Catholic Online) Fina a beautiful child born into poverty, as impoverished as she was, Fina always kept back half of her food to give to those worse off than her. Growing up, Fina would sew to help bring money into the family at night she would spend much of it in prayer.

Stricken by paralysis at an early age, Fina would lose her beauty and became bedridden, her bed consisted of a plank which she laid in one position, desiring to be like Jesus, she would never complain, always maintaining serenity with her eyes fixed on a Crucifix praying, “It is not my wounds but Thine, O Christ, that hurt me.”

Following the death of her parents, Fina was left completely destitute and alone except for one devoted friend Beldia who made sure that Fina was not neglected.

Someone shared with Fina the story of Pope Saint Gregory the Great (540-604) and his destitute as a child forced to live for a time only on grass and nettles, Fina conceived a special veneration for him and would seek his intercession with God, that she may learn patience in her affliction.

Eight days before Fina’s death as she laid alone and untended, Pope Saint Gregory the Great appeared to her and said, “Dear child, on my festival God will give you rest.”

Following Fina’s death, when her body was removed from the plank where she laid, the rotten wood was found to be covered with white violets. Many in the city where Fina lived attended her funeral, many miracles have been reported  by her intercession with God, including the healing of her friend Beldia‘s injured arm.

Related: Why Do Catholic’s Seek the Intercession of Saint’s?

How Can You Become a Saint?

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