Today Christians Commemorate St. Humilitas, Please Pray For Us!

(Catholic Online) Rosanna Negusanti, born into a noble family in Italy, Rosanna  would wed at the age of fifteen to a nobleman Ugoletto dei Caccianemici, they would have two children that passed away during infancy.

In 1250, Rosanna and Ugoletto decided to enter a double Monastery of St. Perpetua at which time Rosanna would take the name Humilitas, four years later Sister Humilitas would begin living the religious life of a hermit for twelve years, her example would attract other young women, who built other cells and would live under Sister Humilitas‘ guidance.

In 1266 at the request of the Abbot-General, Sister Humilitas would establish a new Convent, Santa Maria Novella alla Malta, in which Sister Humilitas would become its Abbess. In 1282 Sister Humilitas, would establish a second Convent near Florence, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, where Sister Humiltas on this date in 1310 would pass away.

Sister Humilitas was Canonized in 1720 by Pope Clement XI

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