Today Christians Commemorate St. Panteleon, Please Pray For Us!

St. Panteleon (275-305)

(Angelus News)  St. Panteleon was a lifelong Layperson, he served as a physician for Emperor Maximinianus, at one point in his life, Panteleon abandoned his faith but when he returned to the Church, he gave his fortune to the poor and provided them with free medical care, some of his cures were accomplished through prayer.

Other physicians denounced Panteleon to anti-Christian authorities and he was subsequently imprisoned. At Panteleon’s trial, he offered a contest between himself and the pagan priests, challenging them to heal a paralyzed man with their prayers, they failed but Panteleon’s prayers cured the man simply by mentioning Jesus!

Many of those who witnessed the miracle converted to Christianity but the pagan authorities continued to attempt to get Panteleon to denounce his faith, they would bribe him, torture him and when he still refused, Panteleon was martyred by being nailed to a tree for his faith.

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