(Politico) Los Angeles Superior Ct Judge Rolf M Treu on Tuesday, found five California laws governing the hiring and firing of teachers unconstitutional–striking a huge blow to unions and may likely now fuel political movements across the nation to eliminate tenure.
In a blunt well reasoned 16 page opinion Judge Treu, found the statutes providing tenure permits too many grossly incompetent teachers to remain in the classroom, shortchanging their students.
Education reformers, plan to take this fight to other states and are considering similar litigation in Connecticut, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and elsewhere, hoping that the strong language of Judge Treu’s decision will prompt Democrats elsewhere to reconsider their ties to teacher’s unions.
Today’s decision is definitely a victory for students and taxpayers alike.
Related: The Effects of Teachers Unions on American Education –CATO
H/T: Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-CA) @Facebook