Gov Brown’s Rainy Day Fund –Cartoon: CalWatchdog
(Breitbart) California’s Democrat Majority in Sacramento have lots of issues, the latest according to CBS Sacramento an audit of state books revealed accounting irregularities in excess of $31 Billion
The Audit Revealed:
- $7.7 Billion Understated federal trust fund revenues and expenditures;
- $653 Million Overstated general fund assets and revenues;
- $8 Billion Overstated California State University’s bond debt;
- $9.1 Billion Reporting Errors that understated a public building construction fund;
- Also there was a deferred tax revenue figure posted as $6.2 Billion that was actually $6.2 Million
When will Gov Brown and Democrats apologize for their malfeasance and accept responsibility for the mess they created ?
Crickets Chirping…