In order to pass the Senate Health Care bill by Christmas Time which no one could read Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV scheduled the cloture vote at 1:00 am
Why did Harry Reid schedule the Cloture Vote at 1:00 am?
Barack Obama loves to blame his failures on Bush, just like the Democrat-Socialists in the Senate blame their challenges on Republicans, despite the fact that Harry Reid along with 58 seat majority and 2 Independents which caucus with the Democrats in the Senate, do not need any GOP votes to do anything.
Obama claimed today that the Democrat-Socialist Health Care bill is Deficit Neutral
Riiight—Promises, Promises, Promises—Big Promises.
Cash-for-Clunkers was only supposed to cost taxpayers between $3500 to $4500 per car but ended up costing $24,000 per car..why would anyone believe what Obama promises?
Remember when Obama campaigned on the promise that he was going to restore fiscal discipline to Washington, ending wasteful government spending but instead quadrupled the federal budget deficit from $459 Billion Dollars in 2008 to $1.85 Trillion Dollars this year.