White House Announces Obama’s Grandiose Deal
With the China Regime in November
(RFA) In November, the Obama Administration and the China regime supposedly reached a ‘groundbreaking agreement’ on ambitious CO2 reductions, ending years of wrangling.
Under Obama’s tendentious deal with China, the United States pledged that it would cut CO2 emissions by 26-28% from 2005 levels by 2025 while Beijing promised to reach its peak in releases in 15 years by 2030 or sooner if possible–To hit the 2030 targets, the China regime would have to stop the growth of coal use considerably earlier, capping consumption in 5 years or by 2020 according to a Tsinghua University study.
According to the Paris based International Energy Agency (IEA) annual ‘Medium Term Coal Market Report’ in December, it said that China will not reach a plateau in coal consumption during its forecast period and probably beyond.
Additional coal will be needed for years to meet energy demand during the next decade–the IEA study concludes, that the peak in coal use could be reached by 2019 only in case of unexpected circumstances, such as a sharp reduction in economic growth–even slower growth means China will be burning more than 100 million tons of additional coal with each passing year.
Flashback: Remember in November during the APEC Summit it was China Daily that wrote, “Obama does not have the political capacity and resources to solve issues–he is powerless to solve the structural problems in the United States. Obama has not helped his country secure more global resources…Obama may not accomplish any outstanding achievements in his remaining two years in office because he chose the wrong strategies from the very beginning of his tenure.”
Only in an Obama Fantasyland and in the minds of his gullible minions, would one actually believe that one can trust anything that the China regime pledges.