(Chicago Sun Times) In the wake of revelations that the Feds have been secretly conducted surveillance on millions of Americans, the Associated Press and FOX News James Rosen, targeted Conservative & Jewish organizations, have been stonewalling Congress on “Fast & Furious” and Benghazi, together with HHS Secy Kathleeen Sebelius shaking down companies that she regulates to “donate” money for ObamaCare, a new scandal is emerging that the Obama Administration may be spying on Congress too?
On Thursday, Sen Mark Kirk (R-IL) asked embattled Atty General Eric Holder, if the National Security Agency monitored calls placed from Capitol hill? Holder claimed there was no intention to “spy” on Congress and said that he would not be able to go into details on the calls in a public setting.
Kirk continued to quiz Holder about the government snooping saying, “Mr Attorney General, I want to take you to the Verizon scandal and–which I understand takes us to possible monitoring up to 120 million calls. You know, when government bureaucrats are sloppy, they’re usually really sloppy. Want to just ask, could you assure to us, that no phone inside the Capitol were monitored of Members of Congress that would give a future Executive branch, if they started pulling this kind of thing off, would give them unique leverage over the legislature?”
Holder replied, “With all due respect Senator, I don’t think this is an appropriate setting for me to discuss that issue. I’d be more than glad to come back in a—in an appropriate setting to discuss the issues that you have raised.”
So the answer is quite simply yes otherwise why couldn’t Holder just deny that the Obama Administration is not monitoring Members of Congress phone calls too?
Does Obama, et. al believe that Members of Congress are committing espionage and they too must be targeted in their dragnet?