McClatchy-Marist Poll: More Voters Prefer Congressional Republicans Over Obama on Budget

Dealing With The Deficit


(McClatchy-Marist) If President Obama piled up political capital with his reelection, it mostly gone.

Obama’s approval rating has dropped to the lowest level in more than a year, with more voters turning thumbs down on his performance–the measure of how much people like him has also dropped.

Though he is still more vastly popular than Congress but in the biggest clash of the year over the federal budget and how to curb deficits, voters split 44% to 42% between preferring Congress or Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama–Just 34% of voters think the country is headed in the right direction while 62% say that its headed in the wrong direction–that is also the worst since November 2011

44% to 42% of voters say they prefer the Republican approach to curbing the out of control $16.685 Trillion federal deficit.

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