ObamaCare Bankrupting Our Future

Obama Deficit Spending

Senate Democrat-Socialists have now filed the mere
1,502 page Baucus bill which they claim it will “…provide affordable health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending and for other purposes.”

When has the government ever successfully reduced anything—like the Deficit?

Obama has been President for 10 months and during his watch the federal budget deficit has grown from $459 Billion to $1.42 Trillion. The Obama Administration forecasts continued deficits. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the nations national debt held by investors will increase by 9.1 Trillion Dollars over the next decade.

Currently the government unfunded liabilities are approaching $106 Trillion Dollars. Its time for Americans to stop fooling themselves that we can somehow continue to manage soaring deficits. This continued path of runaway spending is unsustainable. Members of Congress are out of touch with reality and are ready to create a new federal entitlement that may just bankrupt this country.

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