The Woman Obama Did the Tango With in Argentina Did a 2006 Photo-Spread in Playboy
(Daily Caller) Moro Godoy grabbed headlines when she Tangoed with an ‘Out of Touch’ Obama in Communist Argentina on Wednesday, the 43 yr old dancer’s performance wasn’t the first time she stepped into the international spotlight — back in 2006 she did a nude photo spread for Playboy.
“What the hell is wrong with President Obama,” Piers Morgan said. Why does he not seem to have a clue how to behave when major atrocities happen around the world? The ISIS terror attacks on Brussels were Belgium’s 9/11,” the Daily Mail reported. Obama in his capacity as President of the United States is supposed to be the ‘Leader of the Free World’ and therefore defacto leader of NATO – That alone should have demanded he immediately abandon his jolly in (Communist) Cuba, where he is (was) cosying up to a dictatorship and return to Washington to lead the global response with a powerful statement from the Oval Office — but Obama had other ideas.
Obama Yucks It Up With Raul Castro Who Ordered Shoot Down of the ‘Brothers to the Rescue’
Planes in 1996 -Image Courtesy: Nerdy Wonka
Where oh where is the American leadership in the War on ISIS? What kind of message does it send to be yukking it up with Raul (Castro) asks the National Review as Belgian authorities are picking up body parts off the floor of the Brussels airport?