(Monica Memo) Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) took to the Senate Floor on Tuesday at 11:41 AM PDT promising to fight against ‘socialized medicine’ commonly referred to as ObamaCare until he “could no longer stand” 18 hours later he is still there fighting for America and Liberty with the assists from Senators: Mike Lee (R-UT) Rand Paul (R-KY) Marco Rubio (R-FL) Pat Roberts (R-KS) Jim Inhofe (R-OK) David Vitter (R-LA) and Michael Enzi (R-WY)
Amazing how time flies when you’re standing on principle (I’ve had the ‘discussion’ on since its started, its been time well spent)
Democrats and their minions are mocking Cruz, take for example (All the News That’s Fit to Print–ROFLOL) Witness today’s editorial in the NY Times entitled “The Embarrassment of Ted Cruz” they were not “embarrassed” for Texas State Senator Wendy Davis when she filibustered a bill that protected unborn babies after 20 weeks. This is how the Left thinks–the abortion cult of death: Yay! Individual liberty and economic freedom: Boo!
We expect this from the Democrats and the Left–What is particularly shameful is the treatment of Cruz by so many of his fellow Republicans. Please take a moment to call, email or tweet the Senators above and thank them for standing with Cruz and not surrendering the country to socialized medicine.
As for the other Senators…All Of Them, please call, email or tweet them and politely let them know that you support Ted Cruz and the effort to defund ObamaCare–tell them to vote “No” on Cloture, otherwise they will be voting to FOR ObamaCare and we’ll be watching what they do.
The Capitol Hill Switchboard is 202-224-3121 ask the Operator for your Senators office.