Ethics 101 for California State Lawmakers –Cartoon: Cal Watchdog
(LA Times) The State of California purchased some $540,000 worth of new Ford Fusion Hybrids and other vehicles for Members of the State Senate to replace vehicles that have as little as 12,400 miles on them over the past 18 months–some were purchased shortly before nearly 40 Senate staffers were laid-off because of a budget shortfall.
“The excesses and absurdities never seem to end with government,” said Lew Uhler, President of the California based Natl Tax Limitation Committee.
According to KCRA Sacramento the state’s Dept of General Services defended the purchases of the cars–eight of which cost nearly $24,000 each.
At a time when the State of California is $423,781,900,000.00+ in Debt and Democrats in Sacramento have proposed a new user fee tax to confiscate another $1.8 Billion from residents and consumers alike, what will it take for voters to revolt and recall Democrat state lawmakers in charge of the public purse?
Related: History and Recall of State Officials –NCSL