Happy New Year 2013 Fiscal Cliff –The Veritas Report
(Washington Times) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, (R-KY) and VP Joe Biden appear to have worked out some kind of deal to avert the so called fiscal cliff by agreeing to raise taxes on job creators (individuals earning more than $400,000 and families with incomes over $450,000) extending a number of programs from Obamas 2009 failed stimulus law to continuing Obama’s green energy fiasco, without tackling our out of control $16.4 Trillion+ debt crisis with any real spending cuts.
How does kicking the proverbial can down the road again for yet another day and another time avert a looming economic national disaster?
Where is the leadership?
Related: Sen Rand Paul Slams ‘Spending Bill’ Fiscal Cliff Deal –Politico
U.S. Hits Borrowing Limit –Natl Journal