Michelle O, Uh–It May Be Easier to Jump Rope Without Heels?
(Daily Caller) A very courageous 5th Grade Teacher Leah Putnam of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) wrote a scathing critique of the absurd misery that she and her students endured when they participated in a massive 28 February, event kicking off Michelle Obama’s Lets Move Active Schools campaign.
“If you are a parent, imagine you take your child on a trip and they are very excited. Now imagine they have to wait on a bus and stand in straight lines for three hours straight. Then imagine after one hour of “fun” they have to sit around and wait for three more hours that bus to pick them up. Oh, did I mention that are not allowed to have a morsel of food the entire time? Now, multiply that by 25 to 35. Sounds fun right? That’s a little bit what the day was like for CPS students, parents and teachers at the Let’s Move Campaign…”
First Lady Michelle O’s “Lets Move” campaign is an effort to improve and in some cases bring back physical education programs in some schools, the Obama Administration called the event “groundbreaking, earth shattering, awesomely-inspiring day.”
Related: Michelle O, Holds Lets Move! Google+ Hangout